Christmas Eve

Well tis the night before Xmas and there’s noise in the house, from the christmas carol CD’s playing in the background to annoy djd to decorating the infamous christmas tree, which isnt a "christmas" tree but a native Lophomyrtus. Can’t take anything heavy so will have to have tinsle and bows instead 🙂

Just waiting for SAE to turn up from working and the house will swing into action. I have the Eagle (aka Mother) here and she is just tettering on being mischeivous….once the wine corked is popped I’m sure she will be full of good spirits *grin*

We were up early this morn and off to the supermarket to do the last of the grocery shopping and then off to the Mall where djd and I parted company to buy respective gifts. Personally I dont know what he is stressing out about I’m really easy to buy for and I even gave him an idea or two as it was!!!

I do so enjoy seeing people open pressies………I have my mothers mischeviousness and often I try to make a pressie a bit silly….SAE this year is going to get a barbie doll from me 🙂 I mean surely a 19 year old girl never tires of playing dolls 🙂

I think I have something to make djd smile with glee as well 🙂

So just sitting about now waiting for the time to tick till SAE is home and we can begin

Everyone have a wonderful Christmas with lots of good cheer and food and yes pressies….cause I dont care what you say….its nice to give pressies and to recieve 🙂

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once the pressure of getting for 24 people is off, i tend to enjoy the season too. merry christmas!

December 23, 2006

Have a great time with your family! Merry Christmas to all!

December 23, 2006

Have a wonderful Christmas with all the family gathered around you. But not too much mischief, ok? 🙂

December 23, 2006

I am anticipating something really hilarious for djd then….guess one of you will tell us later. I smiled at the nickname for your mum too…lol Have a truly wonderful day, all of you…and it looks like the weather is fianlly favourable as well. hugs, love, peace and joy. P

December 23, 2006

Have a fantastic Xmas! I always disguise my prsents, this year I put MIL dvd in a old mobile phone box I had kept, so when she opened it she’d think she was getting a phone..bad huh! Bob told me that was cruel so I had to unwrap it lol. When I was a nanny I put one of the kids pressies in a cereal box and when he opened it, his face dropped as he thought he got cereal…well worth it! *hugs*

December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas…you people are probably up and at it already…7:31 pm on Christmas eve here. Have a very merry day…and take lots of photos.

December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas. 🙂

December 26, 2006

I hope Santa was nice to you and that you are having a great visit.

December 26, 2006

Hope you had a great Christmas!