cant be bothered

DD was up bright and early and into work as he had to complete summit for his training next work and his laptop wouldn’t play ball at home. I got to have a bit more sleep but eventually Pepsi decided she had had enough and wanted out. So here I sit now with the best part of the morning in front of me and I cant be bothered to do the dishes or tidy the house or anything but sip on a cup of tea.

Motivation just seems so difficult these days, I wonder if its age :0)

The show last night was brilliant. They created music with knives and empty water bottles and all sorts of wonderful objects and then ended the show with them playing their big drums and it was just a great all round entertaining show. We were so glad we had gone even if we could hardly move in the seats and it was sooooo hot and stuffy at the event centre.

Not much else to say really, I better go do something constructive to show DD what a good wee house person I am :0) not that he would really care except to appriciate the house being a bit more tidy.

Till later diary



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March 13, 2004

aging is so often blamed for our shortfalls….so why not ??!! LOL Anyway I frequently put OD before housework myself. BTW check back on my entries a few days and find the appropriate cartoon….it will make you smile. Let us know what is going to happen as soon as you know, please..OK? hugs