Boring entry

Not much to say, probably shouldn’t say anything.

DD is home this week, woo hoo, I was driving into town tonight to pick him up to go home when I drove past a stretch of motorway and thought, wow it must be over well over a year ago that they worked on this stretch of road as I would be ringing DD to tell him I was stuck in jam and would be late. Of course what brought that on was the fact that I left work late due to some late customers and had to ring him and tell him I was running late. Oh for those days again 🙂

The best part about picking DD up in town usually was when there was an accident on the motorway (not that I enjoy the thought of somebody being hurt mind you) which backed traffic up for miles and well it was just silly to try and drive home when it would take us over an hour when we could simply just stay in town and go have a meal! Our favourite resturant in Welly for a chinese meal is a place called Jade in the James Cook Arcade. They have the most wonderful duck dish with seafood, it is to die for…yummmmm.

I saw in a video shop today that they are starting to advertise the Two Towers coming out soon….yippeee…I really enjoy the movies, could never get into the books for whatever reason.

I have been daughterless this week, she finally went to catch up with her father, well its either that or the thought that DD was going to be home all week sent her scurrying over there!! Wicked step father, torturer of teenagers, big loud man and all that !

I cant believe its been almost a year ago since we have been over to England. We had a week in Hong Kong on the way over and 3 weeks in England and a week in LA on the way back….I want to go again!!!!!! There is only two things holding us back, money and leave! Hurry up and bring in the 4 weeks leave I say!

Time for sleep, well bed anyway, it will be nice just to stretch out and relax with a book.

Till next time diary

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Well, come and see my theory. If you don’t read it you might just be missing out on something then you’ll start to wonder what you missed out on, and it will drive you mad,lol. No, you should come and throw an opinion out on it and it would be cool to hear from you. I think your about 25 years older then me but I’m a bit too tired to count so you’ll have to work with me on that. Thanx!

I am a big fan of the Lord of the Rings movies too! Someone gave us a pirated copy of the Two Towers but I plan to buy it as soon as it is out too. My daughter read the trilogy last year and I was ashamed to admit that I had never finished it so I went back and reread it and enjoyed it so much. I will never get through James Joyce’s Ulysses I fear. (Now, for a great trashy read, try Outlander!)

glad you both are enjoying special time together with daughter…I think she was being subtle.(spelling???) with DJD’s memories of the homeland so vivid and his writing so good, you cen continue to enjoy it all through his eyes, until your next trip.I am still waiting for letter..or a knock on the door….ho hum! stay

ps…correction to last note, that should read ‘without’ daughter. Enjoy this time, and enjoy your weekend too, although weather looks iffy. hugz