Back from the past and into the now

No talk of Vanuatu in this entry….there is a need for a certain somebody else to catch up. It’s probably not fair the fact that I kept a daily diary for the first week so therefore I can write an entry slightly faster than the other.

So today it’s a bit of a catch up on what else is going on. SAE had a birthday last weekend!! She is now 19. Today though I saw and heard the girl of 13. When she gets tired she gets extremely grumpy and loses all sense of rationale. She is working too many jobs and hours, especially the hours that take her to 1am and then a start again at 9am…something has to give and at this stage it’s her resolve. But she has decided to ask the restaurant that she works at to change her roster. Her uni work also suffered in the last couple of weeks when she went for a exam and she hadn’t studied enough and really felt she didn’t do any good and this exam was worth 50%!!! Hard lesson to learn!!!

I’ve applied for a couple of jobs recently, one an agency has been in touch about and next week I will go in and see them to discuss the role. Typical for me, I’m already thinking its not the direction I want to go but each time I go for these roles its my head saying GET OUT!!!! oh well will have to see it is, after all, only the agency at this stage. The other one I would be really keen on but have not heard from them at all…typical!!

We went and picked SAE up from her fathers place today to take her to her second job half an hour away…are we mugs??  Still gave us a good excuse to take cameras "just in case". Glad we did I have some nice piccies to share of an inlet close to us called Pauatahanui Inlet. Of course djd took his too but discovered that he had a flat battery and no camera!! Of course I got the blame, calling it sabotage on my behalf so he couldn’t take pictures……he is soooooooooo mean!!!

So here is the first stop, sun is up and making a start to the day, also one of my favourites of the day 🙂

Oh I amlost forgot these cute dogs, that were loaded into the back of their owners truck….with much fuss according to djd as the owner still had the dogs attached to his waist when the first couple jumped in!! Dont they just look like naughty boys!!

After brekkie off around the otherside of the inlet


djd striding ahead, well after all his camera wasn’t working so nothing to do …mawhahahahaha


 Boatsheds across the inlet

Houses in the distance

And then on the way back to the car, the mirro image of the sky on the inlet was a challenge for me and camera. Did we succeed?

There was a lady walk past us with a rather impressive cannon camera with a tripod slung over her shoulder. She must have been taking some impressive pictures I suspect but little did she know she would become a subject in one of mine.

A couple of plovers on the way home and then a winter view looking towards the hill and home again. I would have finished with a Heron but somebody wouldn’t stop the car…..just jealous I think 🙂

Till next time diary when somebody in this house can offer some competition 🙂

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June 17, 2006

Fantastic photos! The doggies DO look full of life!


such fun! i especially like the composition of the last shot posted here. well done!

June 17, 2006

Great shots. I’m so jealous of the photo ops that you two seem to have all around you all of the time…LOL. Sure is nice though that you see fit to share your wonderful world with all of us here. Keep up the great work!

June 17, 2006

I’m swooning with envy over the qualities of the photos you take. I’ve been told that New Zealand is quite a bit like British Columbia. I knew a former manager of the Mount Hutt ski resort in NZ and he was quite at home in our area.

June 17, 2006

The dogs…looks like two Akitas and a German Shepherd cross. They must have been dying in the heat.

June 17, 2006

Dying of the heat? hey! It’s winter over here! But then maybe Wellington has it’s own tropical temps! … Your photography is fantastic Lil Sis!! Some of those harbour ones could’ve been Dunedin!

June 17, 2006

More beautiful pics that are calling my name to visit your beautiful country. One of my favorites is the one with the lady on the pier. I like it b/c it shows the hills in the background. They remind me of sleeping giants. *hugs*

June 18, 2006

awwwwwww those are beautiful photos that remind me a lot of my childhood

June 18, 2006

those dogs are adorable…aalmost as cute as your Pepsi and Cola. Great photos all up…and I hope SAE had a good b’day despite the exam anxieties. hugs and love

June 21, 2006

Thankyou thankyou thankyou….the teatowel is lovely. It will take pride of place on the kitchen wall in my new flat. I do appreciate you bothering to get me a souvenir… its almost as nice as my being there with you ( almost… lol). hugs and thanks again…much love polly xxxx

Gulp! These photos are so lovely I looked once, brought in a cup of coffee, then looked all over again. Oh dear, I WILL have to visit New Zealand; you keep reminding me how beautiful it is. Or maybe it only looks beautiful because of your photographic skills? You even have a photo of birds here! Bliss! Best wishes for the job! RYN: Yes, freedom to eat chocolate without weight gain! Definitely!!

June 24, 2006

RYN: Thanks so much for your note and personal insights. Hadn`t intended to share so much myself-thought I`d saved my entry to private! I`m a smile and the world smiles with you person and I keep hoping things will improve! Have set that entry to private now though and hope it works!

June 25, 2006

Thank you. We are enjoying it. You live in a beautiful place.

June 25, 2006

RYN:Yes, maybe it is for the best that my favs all see the stage I`m at.It`s been good to get advice from people who`d BTDT.Thanks for your notes!

June 26, 2006

no, those dogs do not look mischievious in any way! LOL 🙂

June 29, 2006

I love the dogs! So cute! Pauatahanui Inlet is so pretty, I love going there just to see it.