answers to questions from Polz and djd

Answers for Polz

1. When are you going to write me?

What is it my turn already!!! I’m sure I can find time soon to write although you probably know all the news J

2. What is for dinner?

Was meant to be devilled sausages but neither of us are feeling very well so it turned into pizza.

3. Does that man of yours have a twin (single of course).lol ???

He doesn’t even have a brother!! But I suppose I could always take him to France and have him cloned,….hmm I wonder if you can delete the annoying things grins

Answers for djd

1. Where did you put my socks sweets ??

There is probably two answers to this one, simple answer is where you took them off and the more complex one is in your sock draw, where they usually are unless the sock monster has been and taken them!

2. Can I go and buy that digital camera now please?

No you’ve promised me a dish washer first since we aren’t going to be breeding any!!

3. What’s for lunch :O)

Lunch is wherever you take me 🙂

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April 24, 2004

lol nice answers (well, nice questions too). Ok, let me see …1. If you had to evacuate your home & could only take 3 things with you (not including people lol), what would you take & why? 2. Waht’s the most expensive item of clothing you own, where did you buy it, & have you worn it a lot or only a handful of times? 3. What do you like the most about living in Welly and why? Thanks 🙂

Great answers – particularly that last one! Thank you for your nice note. Yes, living each day as it comes is the wise way to live – sometimes a bit tricky to do, but bringing most happiness.

April 25, 2004

thanks, well answered!!! I await an email sometime *smile*….much love