Another week gone

Has been an interesting week in one or two ways.

I have two job interviews next week, neither of which I am overly confident in, not because I don’t think I could not do the role but fear one wont match the salary I want and the other because the job description is absolutely daunting and the salary range, although is more than I am on now, doesn’t match the duties that the role suggests are involved!!

So first one is on Tuesday night at 5.30pm and is for an office managers role in a recruiting agency. No real job description and its more of a come ask us questions and have a chat and then we will take it from there. Interesting approach and it will all come down to my attitude when I walk in there I suspect and how much research I have done on the company. It’s a new company starting up in Wellington, so the idea does rather intrigue me.

The next one is on Friday at lunchtime and that’s far more formal and with a govt department. The strangest thing about this one is that it is a division that deals with a high focus on Maori. This has never been an area I have ever worked in or something I am very good at doing (maori culture and protocols etc) even though I myself am from Maori decent.! I’ve never made myself learn such things. So once again it’s a bit of an exploratory interview for me to see what the job really is about and how much is based on Maori protocol etc. To top that off it is also the day we will be packing up the front counter at work as they are coming in to rip out the old counter and over the weekend install the new one and re-organise the front counter area. So half way thru that day I have to take a couple of hours off to go to an interview!! Yeah this should make for an easy day!!! NOT

The other interesting thing that has been going on is organizing this trip away. We have decided on Vanuatu only because it’s 2 and a bit hours from NZ and Bali is about 9 hours away. It’s a long way to go just for a short stay!! Having said that we are now going to Vanuatu for 10 nights instead of the original 6 nights. We have been to Vanuatu before, we loved it, of course the island is not a ‘tropical’ island as such but it has pristine beaches and a wonderful lagoon and we are staying in a bungalow that is about 10 steps to the lagoon. This is the place made famous for the inspiration for bungy jumping, they call it land diving, on one of the islands called Pentecost. We are hoping we might be able to take a day trip over there and watch the ritual as its the right time of year and they dont do it all year round or there is another island called Epi where there is a dugong which likes to swim with people and this may be an option or we might just stay on the main island and blob.

Well not blob entirely as there is talk of doing the gym in the mornings followed by a walk before we have breakfast to start the day!!! Of course that person who is talking this talk may change their mind or to at least allow for a snooze during the day to catch up on the sleep in missed in the morning 🙂

I also suspect that this person who is touting such words as gym and exercise is also the one who will be running from bar to bar following the happy hour as well as the welcoming Kava drink that will be on offer on the first night we are there.

We are also currently having discussion over the use of the camera as a certain person who is talking gym and exercise tends to hog it, of course I’m sure if I asked to borrow it more and take the pictures instead of directing them I would be able to but instead I think another camera will soon be joining our happy home. I also fear the competition is on, the only trouble with that is we will both be wanting all the lenses etc that give us the chance to do really great close ups so based on this fact maybe another camera wont be joining our family but instead more lenses might.

I have attempted to do a close up recently on a couple of my netsuke made of Tagua Nut which is an ecological alternative to purchasing animal ivory like elephant and mammoth. These two I’m currently selling on TradeMe (NZ version of ebay which the creator recently sold for a cool $700 mil (NZD) so just imagine what ebay would sell for!!!)

 Dog on nut – this little fella is only 4.5cm tall

Rabbit on turnip – this little fella is only 3cm tall

Till next time diary

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April 28, 2006

Are you as addicted to TradeMe as I am? I just won a puzzle for Miss Fidgets and Bob just rolled his eyes lol Must that time of year to look for a new job, personally anything focused on Maori has me running the opposite direction and knowign the Treaty of Waitangi and implementing it into work is crazy. Why can’t we live as one country instead of putting us into categories, oops no more soapbox!

a bit?

i know! a bit is a small bite!

April 29, 2006

What you call Diecting of pictures sweets I call back seat driving :O) But I wouldn’t have it any other way :O) I’m for another camera …. Vanuatu !!!! Lets goooooooooo!!!!!!

April 29, 2006

I have to say these are very good piccs sweets :O) That background look familiar somehow !!

April 29, 2006

Good luck with the interviews!

April 29, 2006

those photos of the little animals on veggies are adorable!! how cute! good luck with the interviews. have fun on your vacation. a nice quiet place near the water sounds heavenly. take care,

April 29, 2006

I love those little creatures. I’ve never heard of carving out of hat material. Your job interviews sound interesting. Looking forward to hearing more about them. Take care.. sending you hugs

April 29, 2006

those are so cute!!! Glad you are going to Vanuatu…..are you sure I can’t hide in your luggage???? please?????? lol Hey, good luck with the job interviews….stay dry..hugs

April 29, 2006

RYN: Yep, girls grow up, but they are always there for their moms and moms there for them. I can be a beautiful frienship as they got older.

April 29, 2006

Great photos! SO cute!! The plans for hols sound corker (as Mum would say!) And interviews again! Well aren’t you a shifter and a mover – Good Luck!! The camera just for you sounds like the way to go as I can see you are itching to take your own photos – plus it sounds like djd will get a little rest from … hmmm… shall we say, helpful suggestions / directions?

What cute little carvings! And Vanuatu sounds very appealing (even if it isn’t Bali. *grin*) Best wishes for those job interviews.

May 1, 2006

isn’t running from bar to bar actually exercising? Yes I think so! LOL 🙂