and so

Cola our dog, we took her to the vet because of the lump under her eye thinking that one of the cats must have given her a good wallop as she waddled past them, but no the vet tells us that its probably a tooth that has become infected. Of course Cola was in no way going to let him investigate inside her mouth…..she can be such a grumpy old girl 🙂

So back the next day to be sedated and check over in general with blood tests etc to make sure nothing else is failing on the old girl. Dropped her off at 7.30am, took in and placed her safely into a cage to wait for her feat! Oh and if you have ever had to starve an animal from food because of an op the next day I can assure you try doing it to a almost 13year old beagle who lives for only the next meal that is just around the corner…..she was not a happy girl.

Oh and then picture this, I had to get a urine sample to take in with me!!! so here I am at 5.30am chasing the dog around the back yard making all the right noises to make her go and she looks up at me with a face that says, I’m starving and you want me to do what????? Still half an hour of chasing and finally she sticks her back end down towards the grass to do the biz and here I am zapping in from behind and sticking a tray from a pot plant holder under her naughty bits!!! Yeah there’s dignity in being old!!

No word from the vet all day so that was a good sign…and after checking in with the vet I was told to come pick her up at 6pm. Poor old girl, she looked so bad :(( They did extract a tooth and rather large specimen I thought and as I’m standing at the counter waiting to get the bill looking at the tooth and rather large pills obviously meant for Cola I’m muttering away saying …."hells bells!!!" and this woman beside me says…."whats that dear?"…."oh just the size of the tooth" I say….and she says "well thats nothing wait till you see the bill"!!!! My heart sunk…..and as the lady behind the counter passed the bill over she muttered "Well there goes Xmas!" My heart sunk lower….and I have yet to show djd!!!
In walks djd and takes the info out of my hands and is reading thru making muttering noises as he goes…and then WHAM….he gets to the page that has the bill…….."Well there goes your xmas present!!!!".

Anyway Cola the main reason for even writing…..she is ok, They had to extract a tooth and then when they did’nt get as much fluid coming from the tooth area they had to cut the swelling section under her eye and drain out all the puss and gunk that was there. So she has a small patch of shaven fur under her eye wich just makes it look like she has been in a road accident but the swelling has gone down, pills are being taken, liver and other bits of body parts appear to be ok, nothing less than what you would expect from an old dog. So alls well that ends well except that I won’t be getting a pressie this xmas!!!

I’m home today preparing for an interview this afternoon. At first when I applied for the job I must have really been pissed off at work and when I got notified of the interview and relooked at it and wondered where my head must have been to even apply, but as the week has gone by and I have mentally prepared myself for the interview and I’ve reviewed all the material etc I’ve grown to really wanting this opportunity. I can only give it my best shot and that exactly what I will be doing. Oh and the funny thing is that djd has an interview next week for the same company!!! We could end up working in the same building for the same government organisation and probably have working paths cross occassionally…….I wonder what that would be like!!!

Till next time

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November 2, 2005

oh my, I will stop laughing about the idea of you having to chase that poor dog around trying to get a “sample”. I can just imagine me trying to do that with Chubbie! LOL Hope she is feeling better now. And good luck with the interview. 🙂

November 2, 2005

We’ve never had a Doctors fee that large !!!!!!!!!! :O)

November 2, 2005

I should have eaten my lunch before reading this, instead of during…got to the bit about the pus from her eye and almost choked on my vogels toast! LOL Poor Cola, but I’m so glad its nothing more serious…and I’m sure, knowing you, that her health and her cute old self around is the best Christmas pressy you could get anyway…right? Laughed at the piddle chase bit..LOL huggles

November 2, 2005

You can’t put a price on your pets health but I know how it hurts to see those numbers! This is one reason of many why I won’t go to the dentist, I figure he doesn’t need me to pay his holiday so I’ll keep that dosh for myself 😉 Try getting a pee sample from a cat, now that was hard! Good luck with the interview, maybe you can car pool or have lunch together if djd worked there too! *hugs*

What a pity your neighbours weren’t looking over your fence at 5.30 a.m. I’m sure they would have really enjoyed the spectacle! *grin* I’m so glad to learn that the only thing really hurt is your bank account and, as Polz said, you have a healthy Cola as a Christmas present. Best wishes for the job interview.