A little bit of spring and other bits


How exciting spring is on its way and i start my new job on Monday. Seems rather appropriate.

I’ve had a couple of days off and yesterday we had broadband installed and then djd installed a wireless lan thingy and I have broadband on my laptop as well as djd on his pc!! Our world is changed forever…no longer do I have to wait upto 15 minutes for some pictures on OD to download but the pictures I upload into photobucket happen in the blink of an eye.

So for all the dial uppers I feel for you having to wait for these pics to appear and for the broadbanders it should be a breeze!!

A couple of sunsets to start with, different days different effects

Signs of spring

Ok this could be a winter flower 🙂 but in our garden its more like a spring one

Peek a boo

And fully grown

Even the cats have decided they need to get out more

Mickey in our newly planted boarder

George just waiting for me to make my move so he can pounce – we dont call him George of the Jungle for nuthin

And then my fav’s the ferns with new fonds appearing, all different ferns that we have going right beside our house in our bush.

Just a quickie today….next couple of days will be our continuing adventures in Vanuatu….you all better get broadband installed before that 🙂

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love that second sunset – I love it when the sky turns that color your spring means our fall… then… I don’t want to think about it.

August 10, 2006

These are glorious photos! I love the peek into your world.

August 11, 2006

I long to have broadband…maybe that will be our 2nd anniversary present to one another..this year we got Sky..glad it’s now cheaper but still no where as good as other countries unfortunately. Fantastic pics…djd must be drooling to post some as he’s been abit slack of late 😉 Good luck witht the first day at work on Monday, have a relaxing weekend. *hugs*

Love George and the fern fronds … Mickey’s pretty cute, too. 🙂

August 11, 2006

good luck with your new job…..may you ‘spring’ into the new role with great vigor. Love the pics as usual…I reckon your pics are as good as DJD’s…but don’t tell him I said that… lol huggles

i saw your note and said to self, oh goodie! more pics and news from McD of NZ! good to here from you!

Oh, aren’t those ferns beautiful! And isn’t broadband marvellous! I can’t imagine going back to dialup now. (I’m even thinking, vaguely, about wireless so I can wander around the house and garden with my laptop. Now that would be utter luxury!) I can imagine that right now you are feeling excited, a tad nervous, and looking forward to Monday. The very, very best of wishes for your new job.

August 11, 2006

You post the most wonderful photos…keep them coming!!! …and your new job starts pretty soon, doesn’t it?

August 13, 2006

simply gorgeous photos… the sunset is awesome, you captured the delicate essence of the flowers… ahh so pretty. And love those cats!

August 15, 2006

I want broadband. And good luck with the new job. 🙂

vegas is a strange city for sure. but it really takes a lot of money to do it right anymore. it used to be a cheap vacation. macaroni and hamburger at the buffets..now there are crystal chandeliers champaigne caviar chantuses and a creamy atmosphere of a beavy of beauties whose only desire is to fulfill your every desire.

August 15, 2006

I lOVE the cat photos – and the ferns – you should specialise in cats’n’ferns lil sis! good luck with your new job – I bet you’re head’s spinnin’ right about now! But try and pace yourself – give yourself time and enjoy those lunches in the Big Smoke!

but i just love to write checks to pay bills. dont ask me why. heh. oh. and you think you are old??? no way. 60 isnot old so 40 is way young! and in jan. i will be 62! woot. still young.