

The new job is going well. I’m settling in fine and I can see lots of area’s for improvement which is really exciting as it means I will be making an impact. More good fodder for the CV in years to come. I have put pictures of our last 3 holidays up on my wall at work and every time I look up at them I so wish I was there or anywhere really. Must keep buying that lotto ticket!

 Peeking at Parliment

DJD has been so sick lately, coughing and spluttering and the other week he had such a raging temperature I was getting to the stage where you wonder whether you should be ringing doctors or ambulances and such. Thankfully by the morning the fever had broken and he was just then ill. But of course it wasn’t getting better either so finally he goes to the doctor after suffering all week to be told he has tonsillitis!! Well for goodness sake….and he’s too big and old now to have them removed, and I have to wonder how many “attacks” he’s actually had over the years but has chosen to ignore them…hmmm….men!


SAE came over to the house a week or so back to clean up. We have made murmurings about buying a rental property to put her into while she is going through UNI. She is hating it at her fathers now, mainly because she is living in a garage and it’s the most depressing place I’ve seen for awhile. Not made any better by the fact that she has no pride in it and it’s a complete mess with boxes and clothes and cats everywhere.

Wellington gardens

Enjoying the sun

 Do you think they were txting each other?

People who just get in your way

The garden is a complete disaster area. Well not totally as such but it sure is water logged and the new border we are creating to put the dahlia’s into is not finished as we need more soil and its turning into a mud hole in the meantime. And we still have dahlia’s we need to dig up and on it goes. I wonder why we take on these grand idea’s and then it just seems to get to big or the weather gets away on us and we get depressed looking at the unfinished job.

 There’s something so perfect about flowers

and so colourful

So the beginning of life and the fruit

My big sister is coming up to visit and stay….not just for my benefit but I will benefit by her holiday. Of course this means a major spring clean has to now occur in the house in the next couple of days. I remember reading not so long ago about big sis southernkbelz having a major clean up and saying her dust mites were having a party at her house, well you sent them here!! And they have joined with our dust mites and they are having more than a party but a complete ball with a 100 piece band playing music. I’ll see if I can sneak some back into your luggage when you leave big sis.

Along with her visit to Welly we are also taking a trip up to Palmy to see mother dearest. She muted several months ago that she is sick of all

the junk in her house and is going to get rid of it. Well that’s our mothers speak for….those things that you have your heart set on getting after I go you better come and get now cause otherwise they will end up in the nearest garage sale!!!

Big sis and I have also spoken a wee while ago about the fact that we should be recording some of the things from mums past as well you know we just don’t live forever and mum is after all 76 this September. Don’t get me wrong she’s not on her last legs but reality is reality. So not sure if we will get much of that done this weekend and probably big sis has more memories than I of the family history but we just somehow need to get it documented.

Starting to plan xmas and so far we have thoughts of going south for a week, cause big sisters son is getting married on the 30th December (I think?) and we think we will spend the week before or after down south somewhere. Now we don’t know if we will spend the week in Dunedin, or spend the week in the Caitlins (where we were last year and loved it) or spend a week travelling up or down the West Coast…oh such decisions!!!! Life is so hard.

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September 6, 2006

wonderful photos!!! i love the white flower. it sorta looks like a magnolia bush i have. take care,

September 6, 2006

The best thing my mom did (so she says) is get her parents to ‘write their memoirs’ when they were in their 70s. Now my grandfather has been dead for 6 years, and my grandmother is content to just sit and crochet the day away, but doesn’t want to pick up a pen, or talk about the ‘old days’, but my mom has these volumes of their stories that they wrote when they were still hale, hearty homeownerswith an acre and a half of kitchen garden, and (apparently) nothing but time on their hands…

September 6, 2006

you tell DJD to quit all the wheezing, sputtering and being generally sick, that’s enough of that already. I must keep buying those lottery tickets also, do you think we will ever get lucky? 🙂

September 6, 2006

DJD could still end up having his tonsils taken out. I lost mone really late in life. It’s a lot harder though when you’re older. Wonderful pictures. I really do think the two of you need to put out a series of coffee table books just filled with your photos as well as calendars!

September 6, 2006

thats great that you are enjoying the new job.. but I’m sorry to hear Djd has been ill. Wonderful photos again, of course…you are quite the photographer these days! xox

hope the tonsils are over their temper tantrum, and that all is well with you.

September 6, 2006

That’s great that the job is going well, hoepfully djd will be on the mend now. Great pics as usual, love the one of the competition taking a pic… how did his pic turn out? I’m longing for my holiday and will get my tonsils checked too lol! *hugs*

September 8, 2006

What glorious plans!! AND photos! Love the one of djd getting in the way! No, my fav actually is the bell – well … of course! Sure lookin’ forward to the visit – don’t tidy up too much – we won’t feel at home! (And no I don’t want any of your dust mites ta!)

yes! the space shuttle went up this am. we are discontinuing the shuttle in 2010..what next? mars and one of saturns moons.

Oh, those photos! They are all lovely but that camelia is breathtaking! It’s so good to read that the new job is going well. I grinned at the dust mites having a ball; think there’s a ball or two going on here, too. Yes, it’s a good idea to record family history while you can. I took a taperecorder and did some “interviews” with my sister-in-law; she was quite chuffed and I and other relies now have her voice as well as her words. Would your mother be interested in doing a similar thing, I wonder?

September 11, 2006

Beautiful photos, I always enjoy seeing yours and DJD’s photos of the beauty that surrounds you. I want to thank you for your kind note. You are a very sweet lady and I’m glad you are in my OD life.

September 12, 2006

Thank you. I guess I never realized that what happened here also had such a profound effect elsewhere. Somehow just knowing that eases the pain. Good to know people all over the world cared. Hugs

September 15, 2006

ryn: yes, you are correct in many ways. That’s part of the chemical imbalance and why meds are needed to control so much. It’s just getting those meds tweaked just sothat can be difficult. Thanks for stopping in, you are a very sweet and kind person. I appreciate you!

September 15, 2006

RYN: The shootings in Montreal are thousands of miles away…thank goodness. I’m glad your new position is going so well. It’s nice to know you can see the areas that could be improved…it is a feeling of security and pride to be able to contriibute in a meaningful was so soon into the game.

RYN: I very seldom say “Bloody Kiwis” You know what that says about your sportspeople, don’t you! *grin*

September 16, 2006

I love your pictures…very nice! ryn: Mr. Ted can be quite the handful but we love him to death.