7 weeks till xmas!!

Or as I was informed at work yesterday 43 sleeps!!!

My this year has gone by so fast can somebody put the brakes on?? Next thing you know I’ll be a year older and wiser!!!

Job interview.  I turned up 15 minutes early for the interview and sat in their lobby waiting for 3pm….it came and went and some 20 minutes later as I was looking over to the area I pretty much knew the interview room was I saw this "older than me" gentleman come out. Ah Ha I thought the competition and not only that but had gone over his time and into mine!! and now they will have had no break! I hope they dont want to rush mine :(( But over all I walked away feeling that I had done all I could do to sell myself and really it was now just up to whether I’m what they are looking for. I’ve now convinced myself that I really want this role and therefore I have now set myself up for a big fall….will I never learn…who said older and wiser…oh thats right it was me!!!

cola is all better now and back to her normal sleep, eat, drink, outside, sleep, eat, drink, outside, sleep, bedtime……..till she starts to bark at 5.30am…bless her….who needs an alarm clock!!!

There will be a big fireworks display in the city tonight to celebrate Guy Fawkes  – SAE is heading in with the latest fella attached…who I have been informed will not be introduced to DJD and me until at least 3 months before we get a chance to have our say….how rude :))

Meanwhile djd and I will sit at home and cringe everytime we hear a rocket going off worried about the idiots behind us who had a incinerator fire at 4am in the morning and thought nothing of it, so can just imagine their disregard for the fact that its really windy here today and that they live right beside a bush area and we have had hardly any rain!!!

I’ve been trying to hunt down a goose for xmas, my mum has mentioned to me at various times how much she used to love goose, more than turkey…..so I think I can find one on the net but my biggest sister is going to ask my biggest brother if he can get one…..so one way or another hopefully we can get her a goose. I cant say I remember if I have ever had goose, may when I was little but I dont remember.

Well might as well keep moving and go off a read a few entries.

Till next time

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November 4, 2005

good luck on the goose hunt, I think we could probably find one around here for you. Your mum must prefer dark meat over white, because a goose would be more dark meat. And thanks a bunch for reminding me that Christmas is only 7 weeks away, I am in no way ready for that. 😛

November 4, 2005

Ugh to fireworks, some pest set off a huge one at 1.30am! The bloody house shook as the shock wave went through the neighbourhood. I suspect I’ll have more patients with firecracker burns..oh joy for stupidity lol. Good luck with the job, they say a change is as good as a holiday but I’d prefer the holiday! *hugs*

November 4, 2005

There’s nothing like a goose at Christmas :O)

November 4, 2005

from my past experience at job interviews, shorter interviews usually indicate no chance of the job, longer ones are promising. Anyway, good luck. Yes, each year does seem to get shorter and shorter as we age….wonder why that is? Hope you survive the evening. I am cringing too, grotty neighbours over the road have fireworks blazing already. hugs

The very best of wishes for success with that job! Also with getting a goose. (Not quite as important as the job – but nice for your mother to have one at Christmas.) What do they taste like, I wonder? I’ve eaten kangaroo and emu, but not yet goose. Right now it’s almost sunset and there’s a whole flock of very noisy galahs just outside; wonder if someone would like them for Christmas?!