2 weeks to go

Only two more weeks to go until we head for our trip to Australia. Flying into Sydney, arrive late afternoon and are staying overnight near the airport and then bright an early hit the road to head to Melbourne over the next 7 days. Reach Melbourne and spend 4 days exploring the city and surrounds and meeting a Facebook friend.

Sydney street

Of course we also are so close to Arbi we can not miss an opportunity to catch up with her either so will get to see her wonderful town and the wonderful Arbi before we get to Melbourne. Really looking forward that 🙂

Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge

Been busy at work..preparing to do a presentation to the big boss on a tool set for my team….have to make it a good sales job or we once again will be struggling to continue offering the top notch service we give currently and I suspect that me and the other woman who set up this team will leave anyway…cause why would we continue to stay where we can make no improvements…when all we want to do is make improvements!!

You just have to love the hat 🙂 Sydney park

Starting to weed the flower gardens. …boy what a major job that is turning out to be…have left it far too long without being weeded….we are such bad gardeners…and then on Friday night after having had an absolutely beautiful day we had a weather storm hit us….and the wind howled all night and the aftermath in our garden is heartbreaking…djd has been up to see the vege garden and came back with a picture of broken broad bean plants….gone all of them…just as they were coming into flower….flattened and entangled with each other…no chance of saving them 🙁

Right better get a move on…things to do….lots of things to do…..

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i swear that every day there are more and more items to address and every one of those items call for work…

November 6, 2010

I bet that wonderful couple with the paper hat are Brits :O)

November 6, 2010

I know you both will have a great time, and I am sooo enviopus about you connecting with our precious Arbi. I plan to head that way in a few months and catch up with her too. I just hope you are not booked to fly Quantas. hugs P

November 7, 2010

I’m sorry to hear about the awful storm that flattened your garden. Rotten thing, that. I’ve seen what your garden produces so I can’t think of you as a bad gardener. I imagine your critters were holed up safely with you inside.

November 7, 2010

that has to be the coolest hat ever

November 9, 2010

sad your beans getting tore up like that. i love the hat picture.

November 13, 2010

enjoy it!

how much of your garden were you able to save?

Oh, how awful to have such damage to your garden! I hope no trees or shrubs were destroyed! I’m really looking forward to your visit; i will be wonderful to meet you both.

I have one possible problem within the next month or so: there will be a court case to appoint my sister-in-law’s guardian and administratpr, and as I’ve said I’m prepared to be both, I’ll be required to attend. I may be only given a few days’ notice of the court date. Hopefully it won’t coincide with your visit.(We’d be very unlucky if it does.) If it does, hopefully you can adjust your plans byone day. I so want to meet you!

ryn, i dont think that the mock mulberry leaves would be very good for mulch as they are a trap for the salts in the soil..in fact they are well preserved after they fall