2 weeks a go, 2 weeks to go

We’ve been back 2 weeks…seems like a life time ago since we were travelling about in Australia

Have been going through Day 1 & 2 piccies…DJD and I are going to put up a joint blog of our pictures..and we want to create a book as well.

I think we have enough bird pictures to create a calendar…might yet do it…if time and the inclination allow

Meanwhile I thought I would post just one piccie…that I took…its at the end if you just want to dash down there and forget the rest of the ramblings 🙂

Came back to work to work on a project to install new service request tool…that is going to keep me busy for the next 4 months and away from my usual role…I’ve already been telling them that I will not want to go back to that role when I finish the project…but what will I do…goodness knows…It should be exiting by the nearest door really.

Mum and SAE will be down for xmas day….SAE goes the next day and BD arrives. Those kids just never meet up….mind you they have only known each other 10 years and neither lived with us when the other one was here and BD was already an adult and out of the house when I met DJD.

Looking forward to the Christmas break…have the 3 days in between off and here in NZ we get 2 days statutory leave after Xmas and the new year so no going back until the 5th Jan. Hoping to get stuck into the garden big time and get it back to a respectable state…I know I have said it before but truely the garden is a mess a very big big mess!!

We are having pheasant for Xmas dinner….I’ve never had it and its a nostalgic meal for DJD…should be good 🙂

Till next time and just in case…hoping everyone has a Merry Christmas

Oh and the 2 weeks to go…2 weeks until this crappy year ends….only 2 weeks until I yet again say I am glad to see the back end of another year…Next year has to be better…surely!!!

Pelican at Kiama

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December 18, 2010

nice pelican picture :O)

Loverly Ax

December 19, 2010

oooo i’ve always wanted to try pheasant! tell us how it was, will you please?

if you like game birds… and here is to a better new year!

Wow; you’ve caught that pelican beautifully in mid-flight. Best wishes fo a very happy Christmas and a much better year next year, beginning with some very satisfying gardening.

December 19, 2010

lovely peli pic….they are fascinating birds aren’t they? Yes please do produce a bird calendar next year…I will buy one. hugs P

January 1, 2011

Birds have become one of my favourite photo subjects. They’re just so omnipresent…one just has to look for them.