Ugh… text messaging
Sometimes text messaging is the bane of my existence (yes, yes, I’m being overdramatic!)
So David and I had been texting pretty regularly since last Wednesday. He was usually the one initiating the texts, but either way it was pretty regular. We texted back and forth on Monday and Tuesday, I had offered for us to meet on Monday night, but he was out of town on business, so we scheduled it for Friday evening and he told me we’d confirm on Thursday. Wednesday he texted me at the beginning of the evening saying he was back in town, that he was going to pick up his nephews at school and would be spending the evening with them. I responded to the effect of so a quiet evening then? and that my evening was lining up to be sushi with a friend from Vancouver. This is the last news I got from him. Last night I texted saying so tomorrow is Friday… no response. About an hour ago I got annoyed and texted : having gotten no confirmation or news from you, should I plan something else for my evening?
I have a lot of trouble believing that in this day and age, anyone is away from their phone for more than 24 hours. I understand being busy and not having time to text back and forth, but does it really take a ton of time to tell someone you’ll get back to them?
This may end up being nothing, but it’s frustrating!
I’ll give him until the end of business, and then I’ll make other plans, ut this is already a bit of a strike against him.
Too bad, I was actually looking forward to meeting him.
I would be annoyed, too.
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Texting is my only way to communication with my boyfriend of 17 years (yes that is long time) since I was born partial deaf, I have hard time hearing often and it is a way we can communication since he does not know any sign language argh go figures, but I understand he has along on his mind and is always busy doing something and doesn’t have time to play with a book(no sign language teaching classes anywhere near him) so we often answers our text message often mostly on Facebook but when it comes to cellphone I don’t text him much since he has prepaid cell (doesn’t like to spend money on expensive technologies ) lol. Oh well story of my life.
@harleydragon I don’t have an issue with texting per se, just more so the use that is now made of it. There is an etiquette to be respected when it comes to texting too I think.
I also think messaging on facebook is a little different, if only because you can see when you text was seen, so no one can just pretend they didn’t see it (there are workarounds, but generally you know it’s been read).
@mayim sorry I forgot to put in what I meant on Facebook private messenger not on comment post message, Oop sorry for wrong expression.
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