Keep an open mind
So sometimes it’s worth not jumping to conclusions
After not hearing back, I thought it was odd and figured it was worth calling to find out what was up. So he has a new phone and apparently the messaging function was acting up. He hadn’t received any text message that day, and had actually answered my text from the night before, and thought it was a little strange that he hadn’t heard back. Sounds like the oldest excuse in the book, but I was inclined to believe him, as every other interaction we’ve had seemed to confirm that he wasn’t the type to ghost. So we decided to meet up that night (and communicated via facebook messenger until the phone situation righted itself, which involved a phone reboot apparently).
It was a lovely date. We met at a bar/pub near my place, then went out for dinner and then a walk. We ended up spending about 4 hours together total, just talking (and eating). We didn’t run out of things to talk about, there weren’t any uncomfortable silences, no awkward situations. I had a good time. He called me on his way home to say he enjoyed himself and would like to see me again.
I don’t know if I’ve gotten to a point where I just expect games. Like it’s normal for guys to be obscure and skittish. I don’t think I’ve ever dealt with someone that is so open and honest about the fact that he’s interested in me. I’m a little destabilized by it frankly. It’s throwing me for a loop. It’s almost like I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. He’s kind, he’s attractive, he’s clearly intelligent and interesting, he’s very open and direct and honest, seems stable, he clearly finds me attractive and interesting too. I should be jumping for joy, but it almost seems as if I’m so used to having to deal with the anxiety of will he/won’t he that the absence of it makes me doubt if this is really a potential relationship… isn’t that twisted?
Starts of relationships are always a little complicated for me. It can take me a long time before I’m able to see someone as a potential romantic partner. So right now, I don’t know if it’s my usual evaluation period or… My ex was one of those rare people that I actually connected and was attracted to pretty much right off the bat, and it’s been a while since there was anyone else, so I’m doubting myself quite a bit.
But I do like this guy, so I’m going to give things a chance and try not to overthink things. He sent me a facebook friend request the day after our date so I did the customary scope of the wall. I swear there is absolutely nothing wrong with this guy! He’s clearly one of the good ones, so hopefully I can get myself together, it would be a shame to miss out.
How exciting! Good luck.
@queenofegypt Thanks
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