Which of your values do you value most?

I guess the personal value I value most is authenticity. I can’t stand people not being who they really are and putting on some sort of show. I don’t want to go too much into politics here, but Donald Trump… I cannot stand him AS A PERSON. Looking past everything I do not like about him with his policies, lack of experience governing, treatment of women, etc, etc ,etc… he is not an authentic human being. He’s a liar, he doesn’t act like a real person, and he bases people’s worth on material wealth. No thanks. I like people to show their character. What makes them special and unique. This is why I like this site. People can be themselves and everyone has a special story that shaped who they are and how they see the world.
The thing I love about my wife most is how authentic and raw she is with her writing. She is not afraid to write about anything (and she does, as a professional, might I add). And she puts so much of herself into her writing. We met years ago when Friendster was still a thing. A lot of my college friends were on it back then, and the whole point was to find friends of friends. Before we met for real, we messaged each other and I read a lot of her LiveJournal. She put so much of herself into her writing that it was like I knew her for years before we even met. Even though neither of us writes on LiveJournal any longer, I still like to go back from time to time and read her posts, my posts, and the comments we left for each other. I guess it’s sort of like reading old love letters.
So yeah, authenticity. I’m going with that one…
Yeah, he’s the worst. Authenticity is important and sadly, sometimes hard to come by. Also, that picture of you and your wife is adorable
@almostblue Thanks! That photo was from early on in our relationship. I think 2005. We probably look a lot more tired these days… Yeah, and Donald. I’m still in awe that this is the direction that a good percentage of this country wants to go in. And I can’t believe people still deal with his crap.
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I cannot stand Donald, or #45 as I call him. He’s a joke of a president, and I wish he’d leave office already. It’s baffling how many people follow him though.
@sweet-n-simple Yes! I don’t get it either! Especially after #44. Like things didn’t get fixed fast enough for everyone that a good percentage of the country thought maybe we should have a failed businessman and reality star as president. Makes perfect sense…
@mauteri he’s trying to run America like a business and it’s not. He doesn’t care as much about the American people as he should. He cares more about himself and tweeting BS!
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In total agreement here re: The Rump. But, as I have recently promised myself that I’d not politicize this space – so I’ll have to refrain from telling you what a tremendous asshole the man is, or go off on a tangent about how dangerous he is – not only to democracy, but world peace itself. Not that the world is going to be very pleasant without an environment to live in.
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@petersshadow “I promised myself that I’d not politicize this space – so I’ll have to refrain from telling you what a tremendous asshole the man is.”
I see what you did there… But it isn’t political to point that out. tRump has been a tremendous asshole for more than three decades. Have you been following Doonesbury lately? My favorite line from last week goes like this, “Mr Trump, what do you mean you and Ivana have ‘worked on your marriage?'” “We have been to the best plastic surgeons in the country, but people change.”
Then there’s this one:
And this was all published originally in 1992. Trump was an east-coast liberal in those days. The satire wasn’t political. It was just a reflection of what America cared about. It was the first Bush adminisration. Everybody was more liberal then except Gnewt. The OJ car chase was two years away. We didn’t know how good we had it. Fox “News” didn’t even launch until 1996. Fox and OJ went together like Bacon and Eggs. It’s been 24-hour sensationalist news ever since. But Trump had been in the tabloids for at least a decade by then and it was NOT politics. It was, “What an asshole. Why can’t people look away?”
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I am surprised when I find out people have met on line. I guess I come from such an earlier era that it would be worrisome for me. I’m glad you have found one another!
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