What cause would you be an activist for?

This one didn’t take a lot of thought. I’ve always stated that the environment is the single most important issue. Yes, there are many many important issues, but if we don’t have a healthy planet (well, healthy for us), nothing else really matters. The fact that this is such a debated issue is ludicrous. Even despite the overwhelming evidence that the planet is heating up, why would we even CHANCE it?!
And for the people that say we can just find another planet and live there. First, even if we could, it’s exponentially HARDER to terraform a planet verses — you know — keeping this one nice… Second, it costs $10,000 to put a ONE POUND payload into space. Let that sink in. Third, yeah, it’d be cool to live on Mars or something… for a little while. Honestly, I would miss Earth. The blue sky, the animals, the perfectly designed conditions for life that developed over millions and millions of years… If I haven’t convinced you yet, it’s a lost cause.
So I try to do my part to keep this planet and my community nice. I frequently volunteer my time to clean parks and trails in my town. I love doing it and recently I’ve brought my daughter along with me so she can help as well. Mostly she just runs around with the other kids and occasionally picks up a piece of trash. But hey, she’s only three. It’s really going to be up to her generation to fix these issues. So it’s my job to make sure she knows and cares.
You know how in 2001 the motion picture they had space hotels in 2001? And a moon base? Where is that shite? Because I figured by now we’d be sending stuff into space using magnetic rails on Peruvian mountains using electricity generated from volcanoes.
@sleepygene it’s kinda like how the fusion reactor has be 10 years away for the last 60 years.
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Our local river is flooding tonight. So as the water reaches new heights, up comes all of the trash that was between the old waterline and the now flooded banks. Filth. Good on you, we need a million or so like you.
@petersshadow Some of the trash we found cleaning the trail was depressing… we did, however, find a buried pickup truck.
@mauteri In good working order I hope!
@mauteri LOL! but omg
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I was always big on the environment too but not to the extent of volunteering for clean up. I just dont have the time unfortunately. BUT I do pick up trash when I see it.
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Nice that you are teaching your daughter to care as well!
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Here we have Operation Stream Clean. Lots of rivers and streams in my area. You would (or maybe not) what people dump around the river besides old tires. I volunteered and would take some of my kidlets with me to get them involved. The work became to strenuous for me so now I just pick up trash along my road.
I admire your actions.
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“be surprised” goes up in that sentence around “maybe not”
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I loved this entry. I for one appreciate your efforts and concern here. A good cause for sure.
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