Secret of Mana… Oh how I missed you!

I wrote a little about #comicconnyc here, here, and here, but I what I failed to talk about was my visit to the Square Enix booth. As a young teen, I loved a game called Secret of Mana. It was similar to my next favorite game on Super Nintendo, which was Zelda A Link to the Past, but had a much larger world and better story in my opinion. I loved this game so much I continued to play it even after beating the final boss. The world (as far as early 1990’s standards go) was humongous and there was a lot more to play and secrets to find even after beating the last boss. I even capped off how much money my character could have which was something like 9,999,999 gold (of course I had the best equipment at that point).
So I saw the Square Enix booth, which is the company that created Secret of Mana as well as all the Final Fantasy series (which I also like, but not as much as Secret of Mana) and wouldn’t you know they REMADE Secret of Mana and they were demoing it at ComicConNYC! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it… and all the stations they set up to PLAY it!
I could have stayed playing it all day, but they kicked you off after you beat the first boss (which didn’t take me too long). The game is officially releasing on February 15, 2018. Needless to say, I have already pre-ordered it for my PS4. ????
I don’t know that one, but you must have been very excited!
@thediarymaster LOL, you have no idea
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I know nothing about games…don’t play them. Glad to are happy with it.
@dlk082244 Yes, exactly!
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As a former Arcade employee (THAT cost them some income) I’m a little surprised that I’ve never heard of this one.
@petersshadow if you still have a Super Nintendo (or a PS4) you should definitely check it out! That is, if you like RPG games.
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I’ve never heard of the game, but then my son left home around the Playstation time. My son and I both love Zelda. For Christmas, I bought him the new Nintendo Switch and Zelda. I couldn’t even begin to play the new Zelda (Twilight Princess is my favorite, his is Majora’s Mask – jus’ sayin’). Zelda’s world is ginormous!
I hope you enjoy the new game.
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SoM was my favorite game for years. I’m playing the remake now…and I’m not in love. Thank goodness that you can switch to the original soundtrack, because the new one is a mess. It’s mostly just a re-skin, but everything is so bright that it’s hard to get the 3D impression that’s intended. I don’t even think that it looks better, overall.
But the irritating thing is that it’s easier. Way easier. I think they mostly just suped up the evade stats, but there’s no challenge. I’ve played SoM a dozen times, and right after recruiting your second character, you have to stop and level–carefully–until they die less. But in the remake, I grabbed Primm in Pandora and she never even needed a candy.
Another gripe is that they’ve enlarged transition zones, so sometimes you walk to the next screen unintentionally. And it’s unforgivable that there’s no way to compare current equipment to what’s for sale.
There’s no longer a slight current in watery areas that pulls you a little if you stand still (a small thing, I know). And your party’s ability to follow and catch up with you is, somehow, even worse than before.
It’s too soon to tell whether the new translation will make you for the disappointment.
@dolorangelicus Haha, I’ve actually been pretty forgiving of it as this was my favorite game growing up. I was never expecting a remake and have been playing it joyfully. I wasn’t sure if it was easier or if I was just better at video games at 38 than I was at 13
. I feel they could have done better in some areas, but I’m pretty sure they are just banking on nostalgia than they are making a high quality game that meets today’s standards. I haven’t gotten too far yet, just finished the Underground Palace and heading to Pandora to save Dyluck!
@mauteri I’m heading into the Underground Palace. I appreciate the remake, I guess, but…it’s really just making me want to play the original again, which I could do until my Wii broke (and can still do on my hacked PSP). I just can’t believe I paid $40 for this. I pre-ordered it when I was less broke than I am now, but man would I like to have the money back.
@dolorangelicus If you have an iPhone you can also get the original there. I was playing it on my iPhone for awhile. I’m interested in the small changes they made. I’ve played the original game so many times that slight changes are actually welcome. I do believe they hurried this along though. And I’ve had the game crash on me twice already which I was less than pleased about. Luckily both were at a time when I had just recently saved. I’m now at the mushroom people city and should be getting the white dragon soon. Also, the canon… in the original it used to show you being blasted in the air so you can see the whole map… remake doesn’t do that.
@mauteri I don’t have an iphone, but I don’t like playing games that really do require a controller with a touch screen instead. It would drive me nuts.
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