My favorite food growing up
This is probably why Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Not only was it an opportunity to see my extended family, but it was also the holiday that my aunt made her spectacular mushroom soup. It is not an easy recipe and took time, but she knew I loved it and made it basically every year just for me. If there were leftovers (there really never was) I was allowed to take it home with me. Man, that soup was so good.
My wife and I were married in 2007. At her bridal shower, the family put together a binder full of special family recipes. Sure enough, my aunt included the mushroom soup recipe. Now we can have it whenever, and it’s still amazing. It also reminds me of Thanksgiving at my aunt and uncle’s house in upstate NY. They have since moved to New Hope, PA. Thanksgiving is still hosted by them every year, but it’s more a buffet style now. We still get a lot of the family to together, which is what’s most important.
There is a local restaurant that makes wild mushroom soup. So good!
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Hmm, we have a very good mushroom soup recipe in our family – I wonder how it would compare!
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