In your head, in your head, they are dyin’

It’s been almost two weeks since Dolores O’Riordan passed away. I saw the news on Facebook and was instantly surprised, shocked, and saddened. I hadn’t listened to The Cranberries in years. Hell, radio in the New York City area has been terrible for a long time (until very recently) that no good (subjective, I know) alternative rock music has graced the airwaves as long as I can remember.
As a tribute, I decided to listen to The Cranberries on Spotify. I did the same thing for David Bowie, Tom Petty, and many others. This time though, it was a little different. I put on their No Need to Argue album and was transported. All of a sudden I was in my childhood bedroom doing homework. I remember this was the album I would listen to almost religiously as I did my homework. It was an easy album to listen to and it gave me a sense of calm. I felt the same thing listening to the album again 20+ years later, but this time working. It was wonderful.
It’s been almost 2 weeks since Dolores O’Riordan passed away, and since then I’ve been listening to The Cranberries every day as I work. It’s calming and nostalgic. Thank you for your wonderful music, Dolores, wherever you are now.
Yeah, that is some good 90’s music for sure!
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Honestly, I’m not familiar with The Cranberries so I just finished listening to the song No Need To Argue. Very pretty song. Dolores had a beautiful voice.
@wildrose_2 yes she does. and she doesn’t even try to hide her accent. you should listen to the whole album
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Music is the Great Traveler of the heart and mind.
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My late husband introduced me to the Cranberries Back in the Day. I loved them, and her voice was fantastic. This is so sad. -I was thinking about David Bowie this morning. That’s a random aside, but, I miss the artists whom have gone on………..
@butterfly4him not random at all… bowie was a huge blow to a lot of people (including myself). just feels like a large number of the most beloved and influential artists have been taken from us all within a 2-3 year period. all of them passing well before they should have.
@mauteri : Yes, I know, right? It’s a shame.
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As are the others you noted – this one was a real loss. Would it be too much to ask that it not be from a drug overdose, accidental or not? I loved her voice. I’ve been re-listening too.
@petersshadow yes, i hope that as well. too many lost from addiction and drug abuse.
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Loved the Cranberries. Its so sad how things like this happen. And how it effects a lot of us.
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She lingers.
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