If you could bring back one person and have a conversation with them, who would it be?
This is a good one… There are so many people that have passed on that I would love to speak to again. And for different reasons. I’d love to speak to my maternal grandmother again. She was a huge influence on my family and she passed away when I was 13. She was only 69. At 38 I would very much love to be the one to tell her everything that has happened in the past 25 years. And how much everyone still misses her. She was a big talker, so I think she’d be cool with it.
As far as historical figures go. Maybe Benjamin Franklin. Or Albert Einstein. Issac Newton. Steve Jobs (seriously, Steve, Apple really went to shit after you passed on). I find those people fascinating and would love to have the opportunity to speak to them face to face. Show them everything they pioneered and where it is now. The thought though is kind of intimidating.
There’s also my accountant. That sounds weird, but yeah, he was a really cool guy. Close family friend. He’d never charge to do my taxes. Instead, I’d bring over a bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label as payment (that’s what he wanted). We’d enjoy some together and would shoot the shit. He died in 2010, alone, late at night at work from a heart attack. His death was the last time I weeped uncontrollably. When I heard and after it processed, I couldn’t control myself. I have a great father, but he was pretty close to another father figure to me. I still have a voice mail in Google Voice that he left me one random day about my taxes. I listen to it on occasion. I’d really love to shoot the shit with him again. His son has since taken over the firm. I have a great relationship with him as well. I see a lot of his dad in him, which is awesome. He prefers beer to scotch though (which I’m also fine with).
I wonder what old Ben Franklin would think of Open Diary. It might seem like an odd use for electricity.
@sleepygene “Wait… So you have the greatest source of knowledge in all of human history at your fingertips and most of humanity just sits watches cute cat videos on it? LOL WTF?!” –B. Franklin
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