Do you believe in soulmates?

The simple answer: No.
I’m not a spiritual person. I honestly do not care about such things and they hold very little value in my life. I find marvel and beauty in the natural world — and it’s pretty damn magical — but it is still science and there is an explanation. Magic, god, destiny are not how I explain things I don’t understand. Why? Just because we don’t have an explanation for something doesn’t mean we have to make one up. We should seek answers (through math and science) and we aren’t going to figure everything out… and that’s okay! After all, we’re just a bunch of slightly smarter monkeys. That doesn’t make us actually “smart” though in the context of the whole universe (or multiverse).
Anyway, back on topic. Since I’m not spiritual, I also don’t believe in soulmates. I love my wife very much, but that doesn’t mean we were destine for each other (or that I or she was destine for someone else). I think I could be happy with another partner if things had gone differently in my life. If things had gone differently in my life, I’d probably be a different version of myself. If that were the case, another partner might be more suitable to me.
I’m not going to get in trouble for this because my wife very much agrees with me.
Also, she knows what she go into (Exhibit A: the photo above).
Lastly, no disrespect to religious folks here. You’re entitled to your thoughts and beliefs just as much as I am.
OMG her face in that photo
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I do believe in a God, but perhaps not in the form that organized religion provides. I don’t believe in soul mates either. I, like you, love my husband very much, but we were afforded the opportunity to know one another and for that feeling to grow.
@dlk082244 I am not saying there is or isn’t a “god” or “gods.” It really doesn’t play much in my life though, so it’s not a question I have. I understand the comfort such a belief holds. Sometimes I wish I had that. Sometimes I wish I could say I am praying for you. But that would be a lie, so I don’t say that to people. Also, when I lose someone, I wish I could think that they went to heaven and are happily enjoying eternity with other lost loved ones. That’s not me though. I just keep believing, like life, death is also natural. So whatever happens after death, it was supposed to happen. And I take comfort in that.
@mauteri I also wish I had a stronger belief in the afterlife. It would give me comfort when I lose someone. I believe in God, but don’t know what he wants of us. I just assume to be good to one another.
@dlk082244 Yes, we SHOULD be good to one another. We should want that as humans as it makes a much more pleasant existence. Unfortunately, life isn’t that simple. All you can do is be that person that is good to others and hope it inspires others to do the same. I do believe in this and identify as a humanist.
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I was fearful of posting on this entry because my thoughts on it are very similar to yours and I was worried what reception it could get. Religion and belief can be a very divisive topic. I’ll definitely be going ahead with it now. Thanks!
@rodge Understood completely. I was feeling the same sort of thing, but hey, my diary and my opinions. Doesn’t mean I’m right, it’s just what I believe. Just as much as everyone is entitled to their own opinions as well.
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I tracked down this quote because it’s widely misquoted and misattributed.
“There are those who scoff at the schoolboy, calling him frivolous and shallow. Yet it was the schoolboy who said, ‘Faith is believing what you know ain’t so.’”
It’s one of the chapter epigraphs from “Pudd’nhead Wilson’s New Calendar” in
Following the Equator (1897) by Mark Twain.
Even Mark Twain wasn’t brave enough to come out and say it himself. But he had read Darwin and understood evolution to supplant Genesis in our mythology.
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Oh my gosh, that expression so goes with the suit.
If there are soulmates, I didn’t get one.
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That picture tells me a lot about you guys. LOL!
Im with you on the whole soulmate thing. My first husband swore up and down we were soulmates… HAHA! Thats why we are divorced. If there was such a thing as a soulmate, it would be the man I am with right now. But different things and times produce different choices and it could have been anyone else. I am so glad it wasn’t.
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“Exhibit A” is very incriminating indeed. A poignant entry… Thing is – only a fool would come to a man’s journal and argue his point (Not what I am here for BTW) because where does a man document his beliefs if not in his own diary. And how stupid would coming into that space for a fight be? Which is my ’round the long way of saying that you don’t have to talk about the ‘thoughts and beliefs’ thing as the principal ‘should be’ universally understood here.
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