Remember me…
I’m still alive… but (obviously) don’t write much here on O.D.
I’m active with the Lincoln Project on Facebook and post pictures and videos on my site…
Where I live on the Southern coast of Oregon… I chair the Human Resources department at the Chetco Activity Center… finally after all of the years… I get to put to use my College education…
With the exception of a Christmas card last year… I continue not to hear anything from my eldest daughter… still have never seen my three grand children… it’s been fourteen years since we last talked…
Where I live… friends have become my family… and I am grateful for so many people being part of my life…
Speaking of where I live… for those of you that don’t know… I live quite close to the ocean… just a few minutes walk from my home…
And with all of the fires going on… Brookings is once again spared from all of the destruction…
The weather is wonderful… foggy mornings in the mid 50s… reaching a high of around 70f in the late afternoon…
Thanks for stopping by… and if you would… please leave me a note…
Mahalo nui loa…
Nice seeing you here! That’s sad about your daughter and your grandchildren. Where you live sounds like paradise. I have family in Oregon, but I’m not sure where.
@catholicchristian Mahalo for your note to me…
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I remember you from OD of long ago. It’s good to see the familiar “faces” here again, no matter how frequent or infrequent as the case may be. It must be so hard to be estranged from your daughter and grandchildren. I can only relate to a minor degree because #3 in my family has done so with their two daughters as well. My mom is dying, and she won’t even get to say goodbye to the granddaughters she loves so much. My heart goes out to you friend. People shouldn’t be that way.
@caria I love my daughter with all my heart… but abhor her behavior… (sigh) Mahalo for your note to me…
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YAY so happy to see you here.
I’m sorry to hear about your estrangement from you child. Do you feel mostly at peace, or is it a hard thing to endure?
@bronner I recognize it takes two to have a relationship… I can’t do this by myself… it still remains hard to endure… but I have become more and more at peace thinking I have done all I can do…. Mahalo for your note…
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welcome back! I remember you
@kaliko Aloha nui loa… and I remember you too…! (smiles)
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Welcome home! Aloha
@drama Yes… you are right… this is a home…! (smiles)
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So good to hear from you Jim. Thanks for the update. I come here randomly just to read a very few old OD friends.
@socalgal Aloha… well I’m happy to be counted as one of your friends…! (smiles)
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Nice to see you again Jim. So sorry about not seeing your daughter and grandkids. That must be tough.
@offmychest Well… it is what it is… but certainly hard to make the best of a poor situation… who knows… perhaps in time…
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A friend lived in Brookings, Oregon. She just moved a couple weeks ago to Alaska. Her husband is in the Coast Guard.
@serenadeoliver Thanks for your note…! (smiles)
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I remember you from the old OD. Nice to see you again! I don’t even have any new entires here. Hopefully someday.
I’m sorry about the situation with your daughter. My oldest daughter is the same, she won’t talk to me. As far as I know, she doesn’t have any children.
How nice to be so close to the ocean. Water is so peaceful.
@seulementmoi As more and more time goes by… the more at peace I become…
I’m sorry to read about your oldest daughter… who knows… perhaps with the passage of time… (sigh)
Thanks for your note to me…
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Nice to see you here Jim, I disappeared for awhile myself. Life tends to get in the way sometimes, but having a heart attack and open heart surgery makes you think! I hope to see you here again soon!
Hubs has a daughter that has nothing to do with him and has 2 kids he’s never seen. He accepts it as it is what it is. Maybe someday hearts will soften with these girls. We can only pray!
@seafarer Aloha nui loa… thanks for your note to me… Auwe… you sure have been through a lot… yes… time does seem to soften hearts… Me ke aloha…
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Hello from one old timer to another.
@trunorth Mahalo nui loa for checking in with me… I hope things are well with you…!
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Aloha, Jim!
@colige_grajuit Aloha nui loa…! (smiles)
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Hello Jim! Remember me, Casilda? I got off of OD and later found out it ended. Then I heard it had been resurrected and I was able to reclaim my old diary, but I sure am not familiar with this new format. Anyway, saw your name in a comment and looked you up. Glad you are doing well-but am so sorry about your daughter and not hearing from her much. I don’t know what I’m going to do on here…..I have to try to get comfortable with the new format.. Take care….will check on you every now and then.
@m-m-m Yes… I absolutely remember you… and thanks for keeping in touch with me… as you can see… I don’t visit here very often… but get email notification when a note is left for me… I wish you well… and have fun writing here again…
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I don’t come here anymore. Life got in the way. Once in a very great while, I go to PB … but I am about 2 years behind in reading up on my friends. I think about you periodically, so I was happy to see an update from you… even though it was written over a year ago. You sound like you’re doing well
@shelyn You might drift by my site on Facebook…!
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Hi Jim
its been a while. Just reconnected with OD
@texasthistle Aloha and thanks for reaching out to me… I rarely write here at O.D. anymore… but remain active on Facebook…
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