Oh my hell. Violet. Pokémon Violet. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Wow. Just wow. Very complicated, had the hardest time trying to figure out how to actually choose a Pokémon! But luckily, they give you clues as what to do next. But it is very fun!!! Very very much so. So, now I have Let’s Go Eevee, Sword, Animal Crossing and Violet. My Switch FC is 5835-7030-4912. If you add me, please tell me and drop your own FC. I have NO so I can trade Pokémon.. if that strikes your fancy.
I chose Sprigatito of course, sticking with my usual penchant for grass types. Plus I like cats, and that is what Sprigatito is. I have another Pokémon, the piggy one? Idk. It has a weird name. I named mine Oolong after the pig in Dragon Ball Z. Heh. I’m such a dork eh? I named my starter Tigger bc I really didn’t have any good male cat names until later when I thought of Okey, our old cat that got run over….. oh well..
Man.. and my island’s name in AC:NH is Pearsdale? I think? Why that? A rather uninspired name I know but you will see why when you visit my island. Don’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out lol…
Such is life non? Hey.. maybe I can get a Twitter account to post my crazy antics to. I have some old Gems of War screens too… lol.. some of them are really weird. And while no one calls me ladybro in this game… I still get the stupid idiot musclehead residents. Right now I have one with a unibrow… real nice. NOT.
But it is fun and addicting.
Anyways, I’m off to create a Twitter account!
I will edit this entry and tell you my name on Twitter mmkay?
i added you on switch. my thing is 4415-2211-8339
@heffay Gotcha babe.
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