Is the day where I get my finances sorted out. Get my bills paid… the usual. Tomorrow, the Yankees play the Jays, and we are going to thrash them good. We usually do.
We got another dumping of snow yet again… (︶^︶)But this is Canada. I, as a born Canuck should be used to this right?? And then, Julz tells me that La Niña is coming with hotter than hot weather for the summer. This is just great as our room gets the brunt of the summer sun. a
Anyhow, I will get a sub, asap. It may take a bit of time… but I’ll do it. Heh.
No snow here but we are having a cold snap that was totally unexpected. It was only 44 earlier when I was outside and that’s cold for us. I’m sure it won’t last long and the 80 degree temps will be back.
@happyathome You are lucky to live in a warm climate. We are getting even MORE snow…. >_<
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