Stupid Zoom Block!
Ok, I uninstalled it, and reinstalled it. It’s ok now… I am listening to The Beach Boys… I didn’t know this, but Murry Wilson (Brian, Dennis and Carl’s dad) had the same bday as myself and Cathi @darkmadonna! Who knew!? They say … I forget how many people share your birthday… but yeah. I know two people now that share July 2nd. Wowzers!!
I am easily impressed and easily amused. It’s true.
I am trying to not obsess over the status of my game downloads from hShop. They keep on glitching on the install. I don’t have the regular AC:NL anymore bc I like the cheaty version better (of course I do! LOL)
I have to say something about the Sims 4. Their new infant stage after newborn? So adorable! Yesterday I was playing with the Cutler clan which included one infant Emily, and she was actually fussing!! Bc it was raining and I guess babies don’t like being out in the rain ingame too! LOL I was trying to get a shot of her, and she wouldn’t stop fussing!! Her eyes were screwed up, she was wiggling in her mother’s arms.. meanwhile her slightly older toddler sister was just fine… LOL!!
I can just see where this is going with the Sims 5 although the 5th looks a bit cartoonish. So… idk if I want it. No offense to EA.
Ok, that was my main topic today. Tomorrow only Carole and I get our bathes bc Julz had hers today for some reason…. Toulouse-Lautrec…
I am just dancing about now… never fails.. that and Tay.
When is the Sims 5 coming out?
@heffay 2025.
I hope it’s not cartoonish.. bc I won’t buy it. 
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I loved the link you sent with the Gaga song! What a great song and video!
@darkmadonna She is the best non??
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