So hot… argh! (See? I told you!!)
See? Canadians love to bitch about the weather. It’s like a national past-time. LOL!!! It’s either too hot or too cold… today tis very nice out, but our bedroom is f-cking hot bc it served as a sunroom in the past? Yepp. So…
G is being a snarky b-tch but what else is new? When isn’t she? That is the question. I’m just going to blissfully ignore her and go about my life bc she wants and needs attention 24/7. I am ready to deck her one, but I’ll be the better person. But if she crosses me again? WATCH THE F-CK OUT B-TCH!!!!!
Seriously, why does God put cantankerous old biddies like her on earth??? Has He gone loco??
But! I am shaking it off baby!!
I have a meeting with Dave and the head (?) of CHO… and the rest of the ladies, which I think something big is happening. IDK what…. I think it will be good news. I will remain positive like the Lunar Sag I am. I am actually excited for this meeting. Should be a good meeting.
I know one bad issue are the toilets bc people keep clogging them up. Ugh.. not going there.
I am hot. It is 5c and partly sunny… but it feels like 15c instead in my room. But, it cools down oddly enough at night.
I have the window cracked open a smidge. I need fresh air.
I’m going to just relax. Liz ain’t coming til around 4-ish which is weird, she isn’t usually this late…
Yeah, Sammy. G is trying to get reactions. Best thing you can do is ignore her.
@heffay Like I said, blissfully ignoring her.
@mattinykanenlover good job!
@heffay She is one argumentative woman though.
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I like that song…it’s a feel good song.
@happyathome That it is!
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