Pizza night

Today was a good day… I slept for a good part, having caught up with my sleep… my circadian rhythm is f-cked… but what else is new? I’m watching Terrifier bc I’m a crazy f-ck. I love Art the Clown, even though I have coulrophobia. 

There is just something hilarious about him. This coming from a woman who thinks Stephen King novels are hilarious. 

Tonight I am going to play some games until I drift off… which won’t be very soon, what with me sleeping half the day away.. but I reckon that I will sleep. 🙂

What’s new with y’all?

Well.. I’m going to just chillax.


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March 27, 2023

Sammy, you think the scary clown is hilarious? Silly! Mm I want some pizza.

March 27, 2023

@heffay Yepp. And yepp. I love pizza. 😀