Our new hand dryer is semi sonic!!!!

The electricians installed a new hand dryer in the pocket bathroom…. and it is MIND BLOWING! Ha! It literally ripples your skin to get it dry! Once I get my sub here (which will be very soon!) I am going to post a video of it. Like wild!

That’s pathetic that the highlight of my day is the hand dryer. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ΆπŸ€­πŸ’€ I need help! LOLOLOL…

So, today G’s friends which fyi, she bought… they had chinese food… and now they are eating homemade icecream. I am sorry but she has shit for brains that girl.

Anyways, I took lots of wonky Snapchat photos that I will share in due time…


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March 3, 2023

Hand dryers can be exciting! I appreciate a good hand dryer in a bathroom. I hate those ones that you need to use like 5 times in order to almost get your hands dry.

@heffay IKR? This one just goes WHOOSH!!! for about 6 secs and then you are done!