OK.. pix and Twitter un…
So I lied. I made a brand new post. Sue me! Um… my twitter un is sambucazombie bc that is what I am most of the time LOL
Here are the few screens I have…
I think Hazel is a bit of an idiot.
See? Muscleheads!! And yepp.. I got stung by a dumb bee… every islander (Sterling and Hazel so far) says “Get some medicine!” Well, give me some! (LOLOLOLOL)
C’est moi.
K.K. Slider weighing in on friends and not being a square in this crazy world.
I think one person (Hazel?) said Guitarsdale or something ridiculous….
I swear with each AC game Tom Nook loses brain cells. Um… I cut him off
You, my friend need less booze in your life and more sense. (joke!)
Thankee for saying that. I totally saved your ass on the tent thing…. (lol)
I just love this picture. Me and the Tiggz.
This is a bit bizarre. I lolled at this pretty hard…
This is just TMI. And yes, I have a dirty mind.
I told y’all that I have a weird sense of humor. Heh.
And fyi, I chose Scorbunny bc I love rabbits. And that is that! More later tomorrow!!!