*in creepy voice* She’s ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lol)
For awhile, like 3 days, I was as sick as the proverbial dog. I had the flu on top of a nasty chest cold… which lmay or not be bronchitis. Joy. So, I slept a lot. And thus my getting up at 3a for two days straight. Eurgh. Anyways…
Yesterday I got a huge shipment from Amazon, beauty products, my bed in a bag, um… and I think there is one more package out there. It’s my much needed pillow. Also, next time I get cash, I am getting a Nintendo Online account, and several games. Jeffy @heffay and anybody else who wants me (for Pokemon trades and visiting my island) my Switch FC is: 5835-7030-4912 and you should see Link as my profile picture. Or a mii. Either or. Most likely Link… cos I thinks he is the tops. And if you *really* want to get old skool with me, my 3DS code is 2552-8240-3875.)
So there. I’m back!! Hide the cat and lock up the good china!
I’m glad you are feeling a little better enough to write
@ladiwan Thank you Melanie! Has baby come yet??
No, she’s due in July
@ladiwan Is she gonna be a Crab baby or a little Lioness??
cancer baby!
@ladiwan I hope she’s born on my bday!! July 2
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I’m glad you are back and feeling a bit better. The flu can make you feel so bad. That cough can hang in there for a while.
@happyathome Yeah, bronchitis coughs are the worst.
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Glad you are feeling better. I missed you!
@darkmadonna Thank you.
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