I see you…

But I don’t at the same time. Vicky is coming on Monday afternoon and we shall sit down together and come up with a plan, to help me with the internet bill and my finances. She is a real gem.

My mouth is extremely dry this morning. Ever had a soundtrack in your mind when you wake up??? I did this morning, like 90’s stuff. Guys, I am thisclose to getting an OD sub. Just wait. I love each and everyone of my readers. I do.

My back is bothering me slightly.

I took back the Sony Vaio and gave Julz the Acer bc a) I like the Vaio and b) the trackpad on the Acer is huge and was fucking up with the pages… so… here I be, back with Lyric.

We are having french toast for breakie today. Yay!!! 



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March 11, 2023

Now you got me craving French toast haha!

March 11, 2023

@ladiwan Have you gotten any weird pregnancy cravings yet 🙂

March 11, 2023

@mattinykanenlover Yes –  a random assortment of things over the months! Pickles, hummus, potatoes

Lately its been Reese’s PB Cups, pears and indian curry

March 12, 2023

@ladiwan Yum! Hummus is delish! Indian curry is good too. Very hot (spicy) but good! 🙂

March 14, 2023

I’ve had French toast the past few mornings.  I fry spam and make a sandwich with that and the French toast….it’s very good if you like Spam.

March 14, 2023

@happyathome I haven’t had spam in ages! I don’t know if it’s ham or what but I see a lot of Korean mukbangers eat it. They even have CHEESE spam! I might like it… idk.