Gaseous inducing foods and gore… lots of it…
I’m watching The Cutting Room. It’s really strange but I don’t expect any different from my tastes in movies and the such. I was watching the Grotto. I will probably finish it tomorrow…
I had cabbage roll casserole for supper. It was REALLY yummy!! It was actually better than regular cabbage rolls outright. Maman got the recipe from my good friend Erin Satoor.
Er-bear’s is slightly different but both women’s are the best but the end result is that I am terribly gassy. Heh. TMI… I know but wtf eh?
I am going to go watch the movie and relax in bed.
Oh! And another livestream tomorrow. I am introducing my sisters Bees and Julz which if you listened to the inaugural post, then you have heard her… she is a bit hard of hearing.. we aren’t sure if it is actual deafness or just excess wax in the ears?
Oh oh! If you ever come across this movie called ‘Her Name was Christa’ watch it! It is a superbly done horror. The ending is kind of gross and sad but… do watch it??
I’m not a horror fan. Not my thing
@heffay I love them. The scarier and gorier the better.
To each their own Jeffy! 
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Cabbage roll casserole sounds yummy…now I’m hungry.
I don’t watch a lot of horror movies…I’m a scaredy cat.
@mattinykanenlover Thanks…I will be trying this
@happyathome Delish!!
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