Fun times on Discord!
I’m in a group for the 3hs and general gaming chat, or just general crap to begin with… it is fun, and I’m discovering that I love Reddit.
But yesterday we were all talking about jailbreaking systems and how easy or hard it was. I wanna get a USED switch so that I can jailbreak that mf bc I am not made of money and Nintendo can go where the sun don’t shine. Seriously! Highway effin robbery tis.
Ah well, it is pretty fun. I am Sammykitten#3209 if you are interested in chatting.
How does one go about find a jailbreakable Switch?
I am getting hungry and the sun is up, so… I will get dressed and ttyl.
I am not sure. I have heard Nintendo takes jailbreaking very seriously. You can’t go online, I think
@heffay Really? Bc they want your $$$.
I guess that is the way to go non? But they don’t give a shit about the 3DS though.
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