Easter dinner on Good Friday…
Why? Bc Maman is going home tomorrow with Ry coming in to relieve her bc stupid Lisa is being a fucking eejit. What else is new?? And Maman doesn’t trust the Easter supper to Ry. But this is good news to me, and bad, bc a) Friday isn’t my dish night, and b) Bees is going home for the typical Roman Catholic fish n chips Good Friday dinner. Maybe some one Christian can tell me this: Why the f-ck do they call it Good Friday, when Jesus dies for petes sake!? That does NOT make any sense to me. Not as a Jew or a Wiccan. I have no f-cking clue.
Sooo… nommy ham (bad girl I know.. but fuck it) and turkey tonight with all the fixings. Yum!! Man… I just hope L.W.W doesn’t steal Bees’ saved holiday dinner, bc if she does? Shit will hit the fan.
I guess we are having a light lunch, bc … heavy dinner? Yeah. I’m going to have some more Cheez-Its this afternoon. Yum!!
My back is giving me hell… but idgaf. I have to find my dress so that I can wear it with a hoodie or something.. yesterday I was slumming around town in a sweatshirt, t-shirt, and pj bottoms… do not ask why… cos I don’t know why.
Or maybe I will put on a tracksuit and just not freeze my arse off in a dress, bc this stupid Colorado low is bringing some super duper fucked up weather. Nice and sunny and warm, hey! Next day, colder than Elsa’s icy touch in Frozen, cloudy and shitty.
Seriously, I wanna move to Brazil or someplace. Fuck Canada.
How is Colorado causing problems?
@heffay Your lows are affecting us up here.
It doesn’t matter to me, but people are bitching that this whole weather is due to Colorado or Texas lows… at least that is what Julz says..
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