I am not feeling well today, granted, I feel better than yesterday…. I had a low grade fever, cough, and runny nose… not to mention that my back is acting up. Argh!!!! My head feels like it’s stuffed with cotton. I can keep food and drink down alright.
G is cruisin’ for a bruisin’. She was bitching that Anna had to do the dishes yesterday, FIRST OFF, Saturday is my dish night, not Sunday. And secondly, bugger off and leave me alone!! I’m sick you dumb bitch.
Gosh, she can be annoying…
I will write more tomorrow when I am feeling marginally better.
Sending you ‘get well’ good wishes!
@darkmadonna They worked Cathi! Thanks!
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I hope you feel well soon! It’s not fun being sick and having such back pain.
@kotila Merci mon ami!!!!
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get better soon
@ihavenoarms TY Todd!!
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