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January 23, 2006

You know, every time I read your diary I get excited and giddy!! You’re where I’m going to be & I just love how your mindset hasn’t faltered. I LOVE this about you!!!!! And YES, better to lose than to gain! Congrats Sweets!!!

January 23, 2006

I’ve had plenty of weigh ins where maintaining was a big deal. So, yeah, .2 loss is excellent:)

January 23, 2006


January 23, 2006

.2 is a loss! YAY! 🙂


Congratulations, you’ve done so well. And yes, its 0.2 lbs you’re never going to see again so YAYNESS! Well done xxxx

January 24, 2006

🙂 hehe

January 24, 2006