
 I was graciously tagged by Life Is For Living, so here it is.

The first player of this game starts with writing 6 weird things/habits about themselves and then selects 6 others to write an entry about their 6 weird things/habits as well as state this rule clearly. After making your list of weird things, pick 6 others. They are allowed to laugh at you in your comments as much as they want, so deal! Don’t forget to leave a note that says, "You are tagged!" in their diary.

6 Things About Moi:

1. I can not and will not drink tap water no matter where I am. I always take my own water where I go. If I forget I will gladly pay any price for a bottle of water. I’m afraid spores or some other insect will manifest inside my stomach if I drink tap water.

2. I am terrified of heights. I get queezy when I’m driving on the highway and have to drive over a bridge where I can’t see the ground.

3. I can’t sleep at night without some sort of noise in the background. Usually the TV has to be on before I am able to fall asleep.

4.  I freak the hell out when I’m in the grocery store and get blood from a package of meat on my hands. I have to leave the store and go outside to wash them with disinfectant. That just grosses me right out. Almost to the point where I want to puke.  Hubby handles all the meat usually. (and I don’t mean his own. I don’t mind handling his hahahaah what a pig I am)

5. I don’t like anything squishy in my mouth. I won’t eat raisins because they are too squishy. I won’t eat cereal with raisins in them because they are squishy. I won’t eat fruit muffins. I eat cherry cheesecake without the cherries. I just like the sauce. The texture of the cherries makes me gag.

6. I eat cheddar cheese with horseradish mustard on it. It’s the only way I’ll eat it.


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Ahhahh you are awesome. Meat, *snicker* Skank… ;D I am trying to think of only 6 things to write. I’m just too weird.

July 17, 2006

::::::::COVERING EYES::::::::

The first three could have been written by me! I just have too many, like Steph said, haha. I could have made atleast 15 oddities about myself!