Oh really Stephanie liked it
They are not coming clean with telling us what is in the vaccines, I doubt they are going to come clean with what they are going to program in the chips.
Alex Jones said (I believe) him that people who have cognitive dissonance, they will want to pretend as though there is nothing wrong even when the death camps (and what the f##) is in front of them, they will do all in their mind and power to convince themselves that nothing is happening. The same is true of people who were in the twin towers as the buildings were even getting incinerated they didn’t believe it, and then at the last minute those same people were corpses falling down.
"we should not forget that the freedom you and I enjoy today is largely due to the brave s.” Nice one, you zombies (pre ones) already know it and you are hoping to throw up as many flares as you can to make others not know the scheme that the NWO is constructing.
reply posted on 23-5-2012 @ 06:01 PM by LightInside
Hey everyone, I have not read all posts here, but I found this awhile ago, and thought I would add it, incase others had not seen it. A woman has a blog, and a person (the artist, Leticia Tanguma on Wed, 7th Dec 2011 2:24 am on the blog ) apparently left a big blog comment to her, explaining the meanings of the artwork she was involved with. It is up to you what you think of it.