A Few website Ideas…

Drinking some fusion green tea right now at a new place in this town, from an advertisement I saw in the newspaper. Feeling like a whore… Roamed around the town last night looking for a nice looking slut (Thank God, It just doesn’t seem to work for me).  I’m reading the bible right now, looking at some websites, and thinking again about  "A Pilgrim’s Great Journey." 

Well, here are a couple…This atlantis stuff, umm I think Atlantis actually existed. I think it is wanting to exist again, and I am really getting confused because I am turning into a sinner. I need to keep reading the bible and practicing buddhism.

The websites are here, http://www.taroscopes.com/products/preface_atlantisbook.html  and http://wordpress.com/tag/enoch/,

Well there is no Church left. The type of sermons that I have been hearing on Sunday morning don’t really identify with me. I would rather read poetry, draw, or play a sport or something. And I am about to jettison to Canada, with no religion and the world falling apart. Buddhism is interesting, I  think a fusion with that and the bible, it could be possible.


A Letter

Oh, Robert E. Lee,
The Confederacy is dead, that once
blessed cause and Virginia is a faded
A lone wolf moon night,  the fate
of mankind, and virginia is a faded memory

There are red churches now;  the sentinels
are reminders of the great southern loss
And seminary ridge now becomes the last hope
For a lost cause in a new time

Pink azure skies now, also broken halos
God is a mystery, but faith continues
The skies streak now, and prophets disappear
And there are no swords to combat this dread

Oh virginia, no more your noble banner waves 
only Old monuments and whispers of the bloody fields of shiloh
Flee now from this place the wicked hold the soil
From time to time, I get hope and stay to believe a cause


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