Visit Cancelled

Early today I made a run to the Italian market. I was so excited and bought a lot more than I probably should have but who cares? My brother was coming to visit tomorrow and I couldn’t wait to see him. I was delighted to buy a lot of the food he can’t find in North Carolina. He knows to expect an ongoing Italian feast while here.

Yesterday, Terry and I took the twins to Disneyland. Had a fantastic time. The kids are so good and so sweet. They were pretty tuckered out by the time we left – 5PM, with no nap but held up well. I had packed lots and lots of snack packages. I find, especially with the boy, that keeping their blood sugar levels even with no drops, keeps them happy and not irritable. Of course, we also ate some good junk food too. What’s a day at Disneyland without some delicious treats?? Anyway, I had forgotten to turn off my cell phone last night so the battery was dead. Plugged it into the charger and off I went to shop with no way of Terry calling me to tell me not to shop.

Today was the final push to get everything all in place and ready for my brother and his wife to arrive tomorrow. I have day-long pasta sauce made and in the freezer, among other main dishes prepared and frozen also. The guest room was in perfect shape, refrigerator bulging and I was ready for a week’s full of good laughing. Nobody can make me laugh like he can. It’s been 5 years since we’ve seen each other, far too long for two people who are really close but life just seems to get into the way with everyday stuff. Plans were made to visit lots of fun places here in So Cal.

When I got home, I instantly knew from Terry’s face that something was wrong. Turns out that my sister in law woke up with a lot of pain in her shoulder. She thought she was having a heart attack. The end result is that they admitted her to the hospital, still not knowing what’s causing the pain but not heart or stroke as she feared.
So trip was cancelled and I’m all bummed out. Even got a little weepy at first with disappointment. I’m over that now and then invited friends over to help relieve me of immense amounts of Italian cold cuts, fresh rolls, marinated olives and mushrooms, salads and desserts, and all that he had begged for.

It takes awhile to adjust to deep disappointment. I know, as always, that in time I’ll look back and understand why all this happened and, as always, will be able to see how much better the new plans for the trip will be but I’m still grumbling inside. Hard to let go of the feeling of “I want it and I want it now!” Sometimes being a sensible grown-up and handling life’s disappointments is also a bummer. Throwing a tantrum was very appealing earlier today but no, I have to cope and deal with it.
This is photo of us, five years ago at his house in NC.

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im so sorry for your disappointment. but it will happen soon enough; it will.

I’m so sorry your brother’s trip had to be cancelled. The nerve of your SIL having a health issue right now! 🙂 I soooooo wish you were joining us in New Orleans to celebrate Susan’s birthday. I know one of her two friends who will be there. You’re not a coward and I hope you never grow up. I love ya just as you are, Sharon. Bobbie