
First of all I would like to say Thank You for all those kind words under my last post. It means that there are people reading about my weird life, problems and so on. 🙂 It was pleasure to read your notes. I have almost forgotten how nice was it, thanks for reminding.

It’s 7.30pm here when I start writing this post. It’s the second day on my way to happiness. I have to say that I am doing pretty good. Mainly it’s thanks to my August plans (OMG it’s coming true). But, since I was absent there for long time, you have no idea what is going on. Let me explain. (Sorry, but I just feel like writing!)

I have had no ideas how to spend those lovely two months. It was like, I am going to stay home due to complete lack of money caused by school trips that I had to pay for. But then one day me and Maciek came up for an brilliant idea of going together for holidays. Unfortunately, we started to think about it too late, so there was no way to me to collect all money needed for long trip and my mum wasn’t lucky to listen about my long time travel. So we planed three days in low mountains 🙂 I am so happy, because today we got answer from one of pension we wrote to. They got for us room! ;D So we are going for three days in late August. But I really can’t wait. We both need some rest and this trip is going to be perfect occasion to get some good energy before school begin on 2nd September 🙂 As for now we choose the train and booked hotel. We also plan to climb two mountains. AAA!!! I am sooo happyyyyy!!!

I have also motivation to change myself. I don’t want to be sad anymore!

Have to go by now.

Love you!


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I’m glad I can leave you anonymous notes here without seeming to ‘taint’ your diary with my real diary. Anyway, I saw you on the OD front page today after leaving another anonymous note last night, on an old entry. I’m SO GLAD that you are feeling well enough to target the trip, and the ‘mountain climbing’ (LOL). Just being together will be best. – person who left you Carly Henley music

July 9, 2013

That sounds like a lovely vacation. Have fun 🙂