Blowing in the wind
my backyard when I lived in the cottage.
My daughter thinks I should live in this senior citizen low income housing. I feel like I look younger than other than other people my own age- delusional I know.
In fact I am planning on going to live with my long term bf once he gets his cabin built and pole barn built in the next 2 years. He has bought wood stoves. One is an old style kitchen stove. Too expensive to put an electrical line from a pole 5 miles away. It’s up in the upper peninsula about 500ft from the shore.
he has a quad and a some kind Polaris type vehicle.
My relatives will flip when I move. They don’t like him, he has no filter on his mouth and as gotten into trouble before.
I am excited to move and be independent with bf. With our money pooled ( SSA, pensions we will won’t be destitute. We will have a wind generator with batteries charged.
UP MI? I love it there! Which shore, Superior or Michigan?
Lake Superior
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