Me again.

Sometimes i don’t know how to start when it comes to speaking about things.

As a 28-year-old mom with no family support, I try to do my best towards my future and towards my kid’s future.

After all, breaking the cycle is the first step.

I have been single for about a year now.

Been terrified of men in general. too scared i find another broken one that would want to break my world.

But i am aware that life isn’t about me anymore.

So, this is why i am wary of my choices and whom i meet.

Also having an ex that manipulates and plays victim when i am happy.

I am aware that no good man out there would want to love a single mom and her kids, especially having an ex like that involved in the kid’s life.


Unfortunately, I have chosen a man child before i started a family with him.

I realize that.

Do I regret it? NO.

Why? Because of my kids that made my life fuller with appreciation and joy.

Without them i am nothing.


But I do get lonely, and I am at a spiritual awakening as well.

I have an open mind when it comes to dating sites and whom you come across on.

I’ve only had two dates in the year or so that i have been single, but finding someone isn’t my first priority.

maybe socializing and seeing there what is out there. and out of so many matches there isn’t one that’s a decent match for me.

sometimes I think it’s a sign from the universe that it’s just not meant to be for now.

Also being busy full-time job in the day then the study in the evenings, + being a mom.

i don’t think there would be any time for anything whatsoever.

anyways i think that’s all i had on my chest for tonight before bed.





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