First timer
So this is my first time writing on something like this. As I have mostly anxiety speaking about my life.
Although my ex speaks for himself and for me, which I feel isn’t his place to speak for me.
I’ve been single for about a year now. Been in a 7 year relationship with kids.
Still living with my ex.
I don’t have that vanilla life of a mom and dad.
So I am trying to be a good person and mom. Although i feel like a failure sometimes.
I do this Coparrent with my ex, as I believe kids need to have mom and dad, despite our differences.
So yeah. I guess I will post more to see if this helps for me..
It won’t always be perfect, but that doesn’t mean you’re a failure. You got this. 💗
@gisselexr Thank you. i think we all try to be better versions of ourselves.🌸🌿
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