
Well today is day 2 of me missing work due to the snowstorm we got.

Yesterday Marty wasn’t going to be home anyway so it was no big deal. The weather was bad and he didn’t want me to venture out in it if I was uncomfortable… which I was because where he lives they don’t get much help with the roads. It was a nice day off work I spent cuddled up with my dogs and watching Netflix movies. If you haven’t seen Unforgivable with Sandra Bullock you have to see it. It was really good!! I also watched Brazen with Alyssa Milano. It was good too but not as good as Unforgivable. I even went to bed a little bit early. 

I woke up this morning and took my shower. While in there my mother called several times and then a couple more once I was out and trying to get dressed and brush my teeth. Thank God I called her back when I did because she was on the phone with the police department requesting a well person check. She panics too quickly. She thought I tried coming over and got hurt outside in the snow or in a car accident…smh… Anyway we got 15″ of snow last night and I can’t get out of my driveway to go to work today. My brother is going to plow my driveway but he can’t get to it until after he gets off work tonight which is well past the time I head to work. I texted Lilly to tell her I wouldn’t be there and surprisingly she took it very well. She said Marty’s driveway wasn’t done yet either and didn’t know when it would be so I’d never make it into his driveway. So that along with no road crews over there wouldn’t have helped me any if I did try to go to work. So today is another day I’m home with my dogs. 

This morning when I took my dogs out to go potty Tito got into the snow, felt how deep it was and immediately came back up on the porch. Bailey jumped her way around the backyard to go potty. I had to go back out without the dogs and shovel a small area where Tito could go. I took him out again and he still refused to go because he couldn’t get to his favorite spot. Luckily come lunchtime he couldn’t hold it anymore and finally went in the area I cleared for him. What a baby, lol

Currently I’m watching a series on Netflix called Archive 81. It’s pretty messed up but interesting nonetheless. I’m going to go do my dishes in a little bit and later make a Skinny Mexican Casserole recipe I found on Pinterest for dinner. Then I’ll likely look up some movies to watch. I do also need to try and shovel a pathway for my mailman for tomorrow. It’s hard for me to do because of my pain in my hips and back but I have no one else to do it so I will try my best. 

As far as everything going on with Marty’s house… Tina’s gone. Lilly gave her an ultimatum and Tina said the hell with that and quit. The new girl Kristy started, worked 2 days then her husband became hospitalized and she couldn’t make it in and now the snowstorm. Lilly’s still leaving her messes for me to clean up and I do it so not to have a problem there and be the next to have to go. She’s now saying that since she’s engaged to Marty that she also makes the rules and we have to follow them. I saw that coming! I’ll just be as nice as possible, do my job and get paid. I feel bad for Marty but he let’s all this happen. He’ll never have things the way that he wants them as long as he allows her to reign supreme, lol

I guess that’s all for now. I really should get to my dishes. Have a great day my friends. Stay safe and warm!

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January 17, 2022

You have such a good attitude about Lilly. I could never stand it. I have a bad temper. I’m glad you’re having some off time with the dogs! Enjoy! Don’t overdo trying to get the path cleared.

January 17, 2022

I really hate snow! We got about half inch last night…. Pretty well gone now but that is plenty for me

January 17, 2022

The brunt of the storm missed us. We got about 3 inches. It’s pretty. Your Netflix snowday sounds so cozy. I did see Unforgivable and it was great. I didn’t expect the ending. That was what true love is about. <3

January 19, 2022

Eeeek, hope you’re able to get out of your driveway now!