Remember making the "PERFECT MAN" list?  






 …But will he run and get you a box of tampons in an emergency?

Or hold your purse for you when you have your hands tied without complaining?

Or give you his HONEST opinion when asked questions like, "The silver shoe? Or the gold shoe?"

When you think you got that lagaña, and it’s really on your cheek, will he be too grossed out to wipe it off?


It takes ALOT MORE to be a REAL MAN, than just being sexy.

Can you imagine what it would be like dating the PERFECT MAN?  Why do we make such lists? Do we think of ourselves as the PERFECT WOMAN? 

Instead of looking for the PERFECT MAN, you should be looking for a REAL MAN… The IDEAL MAN for YOU.

Does he have the ability to comfort you when something has gone terribly wrong? Be your lover and your psychologist at the same time? It does no good having a good looking boyfriend at a funeral, or by your side at the hospital if he can’t do anything else but sit there and be pretty…

Can he look past the 30lbs you gained after having a baby? 

Can he look past your garlic breath and still have a romantic evening witn you?

Can he think of  the XXXL t-shirt with coffee stains that you sleep in as sexy? 

Will he still love you when finds out you wax your upper lip, and shave your underarms, and will he freak out  the one day you accidentally forgot to do it? 

Time to update our lists, ladies:)


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