Sleepy Time Stories

1. Recently I have started sleeping with a thick headband on to protect my ears from the ladybugs incase one of them tries to sneak in there while I am asleep. My husband looks at me like I am a moron but we will see who comes out on top when one decides to fly in his ear and we have to rush to the emergency room.

2.I went to  bed at 8:15 last night because I had a horrible head ache all day. I must be catching a cold.

The end.


On another note:

Started my diet on the 1st. (Saturday…)

It did not go very well. I went over about 200 calories on Saturday. Went over like 800 calories last night. (But  I  consumed less calories than I would have had I not been "watching it."
I am not quitting though. I will just add two more days to my dieting period.

JANUARY 01, 2011 TO JULY 03, 2011.

And I will do that for every day I go over my limit, so I don’t do it as often as I normally would.

Today is going good. I am tired of fruits and vegetables already.


I need some very cheesy, greasy, garlicky  bread. With the olive oil dipping sauce, please.

I am going to start a list of places I want to go stuff my face once I am skinny enough.

1. Johnny Carinos.


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