Pregnant Head

I was in a bad mood Sunday.

No wait- I was in a BADDDD MOODDDD SUNDAY.

For absolutely no reason.

I wanted to get up early and go to Mass but I didn’t have anything to make for breakfast so I decided it was best for me, my husband and everyone else attending mass that morning for me to just crawl back into bed and try to "sleep the MONSTER away."
The last time I went to mass, I was a nervous wreck because I thought I was about to puke any minute, and we were on the second pew from the front, where we usually sit and I don’t think my husband concentrated all that well because he heard the vomit sloshing around and was worried…


I think I am starting to get a PREGNANT HEAD or so I like to call it…

All of sudden I have all this hair, and my hair is growing out from my last hair cut so it’s not cute at all.
My lips are huge.
My nose looks wider for some reason.
I have all this acne all of a sudden, and I just feel disgusting.
I have no energy to hide it, and when I do try a little- I can STILL tell.
I mentioned it to my husband and he thinks I look the same and its all my imagination…


‘AINT NO GLOW HERE.…                                                           ACNE... As if I’m not already fat and unattractive enough…

So… When I first got pregnant I said I would take a picture of my belly every month to see how my belly was coming along.

I am almost at month 5 and I still have not taken a single belly pic.
Taking a full bodyshot by yourself is hard to do! 
Plus, I forget to ask my husband to do it for me when he’s home…

A couple of weeks ago I took this one, in which I was trying to send my cousin a belly pic…
Although I didn’t send it because we had just eaten, and that is a CHINESE FOOD BELLY, not a BABY BELLY.

I try to tell everyone who comments on my baby bump that I have always had a big belly, but alot of them reassure me that this belly is definitely a baby belly and not my regular fat belly.

I have a friend who always rubs on my tummy and it makes me feel like a Buddha because although I don’t fit in my regular clothes anymore, I am in kind of denial that the belly I have now is a baby belly. I would want nothing more than to have a cute baby belly but all I see is my regular belly. Does that make sense? Probably not. Pregnant Head talking again.

Speaking of clothes, my SIL gave me a maternity blouse for Christmas, and I thought it was really cute.

Here lately when I look at Maternity clothes, I see  hiddeous expensive getups that I would never wear in real life. So from now on I may just look into something flowy I can wear even after I give birth… Or just keep wearing the same tops (til they fit) like I have been doing, with a stretchy skirt and a cardigan. Boots and leggings are working for now, but I need to invest in some cute sandals for the Spring., as heels are aggravating my buttocks right now.

I have never had such horrible pain on my butt/ lower back. HORRIBLE, and I hear it gets worse with every pregnancy.

Anyways- Now for the good stuff:

This weekend my MIL made Flautas de Papa!
These are basically corn tortillas filled with a potato filling, then rolled and fried.
Then you have your toppings, which can be anything but here we had her famous red salsa with avocado and green onion,
shredded cabbage (sometimes I use lettuce), and we had Mexican Crema, which is sort of like Sour Cream…

There are so many different variations of toppings and fillings for these taquitos or flautas…
My cousin adds mozzarella cheese to her potato filling, which I did once and LOVED!
She also adds a bit of lemon and salt to her cabbage,  some fresh pico de gallo, and makes a roasted jalapeno salsa with hers…

This is a delicious, meatless, frugal dinner alot of Mexican women make to use up any leftover potatoes, or stale corn tortillas.

I make this dinner simply because I LOVE Flautas de Papa!

She also fried up some snacks my husband calls "Chinchurritos" we used to call them something else before I got married but I can’t think of it right now…. Some people call them "chicharrones de harina"… Who knows what they’re really called and WHO CARES, THEY ARE AWESOME! 

They come in all shapes and sizes, and again, you can put whatever toppings you like on them. These were little O’s and they were not big enough to load with toppings, but they were perfect for dipping in salsa…

So that was my weekend…

More later!













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Girl, you’re beautiful, don’t be so hard on yourself! I remember when I was pregnant and people would comment on how I was “just GLOWING”, I thought they were nuts because I didn’t see it AT ALL, LOL! Maybe others see what we don’t? 😛 The food (as always!) sounds delish! Do you know, what is the difference between Mexican Crema and sour cream? We are sour cream-aholics over here! I hope you have a wonderful Monday!! 😀

RYN: Awww, thank you! You know, you’re not the first person who said that about my entry — I will need to clarify it in my next one because I think I’m coming across bad, LOL!!! What I meant was that I have a tendency to get OVER-involved in loved ones’ situations and end up trying to work everything out FOR them so that they never learn to handle things on their own and keep doing the same things over and over. I will never stop caring, that’s just how I am, but I think I need to “reel it in” a little bit on my end sometimes, LOL. Thanks so much for your note! 😀

January 14, 2013

You totally get it! I hate the awkwardness. By the way, I read your diary a couple days ago (I creep on recently added entries all the time) and thought you wrote well and thought your enchilada recipe sounded really tasty! By the way, you’re very pretty.

January 14, 2013

Ok, I can’t see ANY acne on your face but it’s definitely happened to me since I found out I was pregnant. OMG flautas!! I used to eat them (w/chicken) ALL.THE.TIME. when I was pregnant with my daughter. Looking at that picture is giving me cravings …. That shirt is very cute! Yeah it’s hard to find maternity clothes that are reasonably price and pretty.

January 15, 2013

RYN: Thank you for the reassurance 🙂 It really helps a lot. It’s actually going to be my first u.s this friday >.< I was having insurance problems and couldn’t get one soon enough. I am 17weeks (a guess from the doctor) won’t really know till friday. It can’t be more than that and i don’t think it’s any less considering how big i’ve gotten. It’s nice to talk to someone who’s going through the

January 15, 2013

same as me 🙂 Mmmmm flautas :p I was actually planning on making flautas de papa this weekend :p they are so good! 😀 19 weeks huh. have you found out what the sex is? 🙂

January 15, 2013

Oh and btw, You are gorgeous 🙂 Feeling blah is normal. I feel like that a lot. Especially, when i can’t decide what to wear because i look weird..My bf says it’s in my head too lol

January 17, 2013

RYN: Soon enough they will be able to feel the baby 🙂 Isn’t it amazing though? It always makes me smile when i feel the baby move 🙂 Last night he/she was on a go. All i could feel was flutters and pops haha Hope you’re having a good day! take care 🙂

January 19, 2013

RYN: Thanks for that.. I haven’t heard from him since Thursday.. granted it’s only been one day but I usually at least get a good morning test. Oh well :/. Sorry it took so long to reply, I didn’t see that you wrote me. Girl, you look fine. lol