Little Dried Up Vaginas

So Thursday night I decided to try out a new recipe.

I need a few more meatless meals so I made a TACO PIZZA with a simple black bean base instead of taco meat.
(Pioneer Woman’s recipe)

It was okay… I would not make it again. It reminded me alot of Taco Bell’s Chalupa, which is basically like taco fillings inside a more doughy shell… Anyway here it is, I almost completely burned the tortilla strips… But made hubby eat them anyway!

So he said, "This was good, but next time its okay if you just want to make bean tostadas so you don’t have to go through all the trouble of making the pizza dough.

GRRRRRR!!! (I mentioned bean tostadas once and he gave me THE LOOK)

Anyway, I only used half of the pizza dough and had enough leftover for another recipe.
However, I am done with making CRAZY PIZZAS, and so  I decided to make just a regular homemade pizza.

I looked up several recipes for a good pizza sauce… And I didn’t measure alot of things, I just kind of sprinkled a little of this and that and tasted it until the sauce was good enough to eat by itself. I thought maybe if I would eat it by itself, hubby will eat it  in a pizza!

heat up a couple tablespoons of olive oil, throw in some finely chopped onion
when the onion softens, throw in some minced garlic
add about 1/4 cup water,
add about 6 tablespoons of tomato paste
add about 4 oz tomato sauce
sprikle with a little oregano, basil, parsley, salt, ground black pepper, and sugar.

let simmer for about 5 minutes, and taste it.
(At this point it was a little too tart for me, so I added more sugar. AND MORE SUGAR until I was like YUM!)

Then I just flattened out the dough as thin as I could on a large cookie sheet, spread a generous portion of the sauce on top and threw in some mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, onion and jalapenos for the hubby. Then I made me a veggie corner with chopped olives, onion and jalapenos.
(Next time I will definitely load the veggies, this was my first time even trying the pizza thing so I was scared the flavors would take away from my sauce)
I put it in the oven at 500 degrees until the crust was nice and golden and crispy, and the cheese was melty… AND IT WAS DELICIOUS!


On another note;

The healthy eating has not been happening so I decided I needed to take in some more fruit.
The Dr says dried fruit is the same as eating fruit, except  its packed with more calories, and I decided to give it a try.

I’m sorry, but these things are NOT PRETTY.
I left them on my desk for about 2 minutes while I went down to the restroom and I came back and had my coworkers standing over the fruit all like, "WHAT IS THAT?!" They look like little dried up vaginas to me… And they stink, I ate them in a hurry so people didn’t think it was me.

Anyway, I’m a bad mother , this diary is supposed to be about my pregnancy! 

Baby has not done much though, I’ve felt it move everyday which is nice.
I try to talk to him/her so that he/she will get familiar with my voice.

I think once I know the sex it will be easier for me to bond with him/her.

Right now its just kind of like, "HEY KID, I FEEL YOU KICKING ME!"

I have got to update on my weekend, that is kind of baby related….

Anyway- I hope this kid is a foodie like me…











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January 25, 2013

RYN: I thought about a reveal party and then decided that I would take a clever photo of my husband and I in black and white and then hold up a balloon either blue or pink in color and text everyone. They have LOTS of great reveal party ideas on Pinterest though if you decide to have one! I am due July 12th. When are you due? Good Luck at the big reveal. SO exciting! Is this your first?

January 25, 2013

Ooh that regular pizza looks really good! I’ve never put jalapenos on pizza but that would be delicious. Lol yeah those dried fruits don’t look pretty … hahaha. What are they? Apricots? I used to eat dried pineapple all the time. It’s soooo good and really sweet.

Looks yummy! (I love the Pioneer Woman! She’s so cute and funny!) And I completely agree about the dried fruit – a lot of it looks quite questionable! I got some recipes from Pinterest for drying fruit in your oven that I’m going to try. At least it looks a little more edible, haha! RYN: Thank you SO much! That means a lot and is SO appreciated!! ((BIG HUGS)) I wasgoing to ask you — how is that pregnancy pillow working for you now? Better?