This is totally NOT a mushy V-day entry… But it IS V-day and I MUST say a very HAPPY one!
Not any specific reason for it to be, just lost of little things.
1.I love my husband, he’s so wonderful.
2.I spent some quality time with his family this weekend. (QT always makes me produce extra endorphins)
3.I am finally starting my 6 month diet. (Yeahhh let’s see how long this lasts) Haha
It’s funny how I get so excited when I start a ‘diet period’. It never lasts long. I need this one to though.
I am ready to say, "I can’t wear size 10 anymore, it’s WAYY TOO BIG!"
I figured out that I can watch what I eat Monday-Thursday and eat good on the weekends and not gain weight.
(Not LOSE weight either.)
So once I get over the next 6 months of no cheating and actually sticking to the diet, I will be doing that so I don’t gain the weight back.
Sounds like a plan!
Totally off the subject:
Sunday we went grocery shopping and Lo walks into the toilet paper/ paper towel aisle.
I tell him, "Honey, come back, we don’t need anything from that isle."
He says, "Oh, I’m just getting some of these." (Paper towels)
And I tell him, "We have a brand new roll at home, we don’t need it."
He says (still holding the roll)… "But… I always get the papertowels. I HAVE to get it."
I love him!